oh for the love of rain

mother decided this would be a good weekend to do  the yard sale again. NOT! its rained all day.  dont get me wrong i love the rain.  but not when im sitting in it listening to mother and oly bitch about it raining  on thier yard sale. im wondering why they didnt check the weather first!?  but oh well too little too late. 

this is my second to last weekend in OR.  i already have lilman partially packed for his trip.  ill wash and pack as next week passes.  im trying to decide what all i need to send with him. ill send his games and things for sure. lord knows hell need something to do while hes with his dad. well something besides sit in front of the computer all summer.  i can only sigh and shake my head at that.

then again  maybe he’ll be comeing home with me  after we tell him B isnt his real dad.  that ones a definate play it by ear situation.  but better to hear it from us then  from B’s VB of a step sister.  id hate to have to kill her. makes it hard to raise your kids from jail ya know

its only 6 and im ready to hit the bed. i dunno why im so damn tired!

gotta call my pops too since he hasnt called me back yet :/  but thats for another day.


yall take care and if you gotta go out, run between the raindrops

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June 9, 2007

I wish I could run between the raindrops! I actually don’t mind the rain much. I’ve lived in Oregon my entire life and never owned an umbrella!