more pics

just for giggles i loaded up a couple more pics… ill have to scan a recent one of the lilman.. he didnt smile for his school pics the little bugger!!

but here in case you ever see this guy…. RUN RUN AWAY FAST!!! he’s the ex

ahh and heres an even better pic!! all 3 of my puppies!!!  not a great shot since they are all curled up sleeping  but cute none the less!!

Alley the re-re                         Copper the log dog (AKA – Slow n Low)               my Angel baby


alley was more his then mine but copper and angel were my babies… im happy to finally have copper  now i only need to get angel back before he ruins her!!!

AHA i found my sister!! shes almost as good as me at avoiding the camera!  notice i say almost! MUAHHAHAHAA  lets see she’s….  the 3rd one in from the right in the very back….  oh with heath next to her and brandee on the motorcycle and ashley on the far right.. woot  a family pic and i didnt even realise it LOL


ok im done torturing you with pictures.. for now 

hope yall have a good week… mine started out with a dead car so hopefully itll be willing to run tomorrow




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