mawmaw and pawpaw

i know its silly. but it still pisses me off for some reason.

buttheads new in-laws called today. to talk to lilman presumably  because butthead told them he got good grades this reportcard. anyway  he wasnt home yet so  i asked if they wanted to leave a message and they said and this is a quote here… tell him mawmaw and pawpaw called. and apparently  unbeknownst to me  the filter between my brain and my mouth at some point today broke. because the first words out of my mouth were… youve GOT to be freakin kidding me! and i laughed. they didnt like that very much, but really mawmaw and pawpaw? wtf.

they have seen the boy maybe half a dozen times and most of those where while i was still married to butthead and he was fucking thier daughter… i wonder if they know that.. something tells me they dont LOL 


i gave him the message and he just rolled his eyes and said mkay. which tells me it bugs him a bit to call them that. so we talked about it and i told him he didnt HAVE to call them that if he didnt want to, just as long as he was still polite in whatever he did chose to call them. and he looked right at me and said.. but mom you said to always be polite and it would be rude to tell them thats a stupid name!! so we had a lesson in tact as well LOL as in how to tactfully tell them he didnt want to call them that.

now i know they are just trying to make him feel welcome in thier family and thats what all thier grandkids call them.. except theres this little voice in the back of my head that says.. hes NOT thier grandchild. its that evil little voice that encourages me to poke them in the eye with a hot and hopefully salty frenchfry!

it bugs me almost as much as G’s telling lilman to call her mom. yeah i went thru the roof on that one! fourth of july had nothing on me that day!  needless to say he doesnt call her mom and she does her best not to answer the phone just in case its me calling and not him. atleast i know her sence of danger works well *grin*  or maybe that just means shes not completely stupid. but thats just me being mean i suppose.

anyway it tweaks me a bit and if they still insist on being mawmaw and pawpaw after he nicely tells them he’d rather not call them that.. then i get to be ‘the bitch exwife’  my inner child is grinning and clapping her hands with glee at the thought. 

my inner voice is saying ‘grow up’ and im agreeing with it nodding my head and saying yup i should grow up.. but im also looking for the mute button LOL


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April 18, 2007

You were much sweeter to them than I think I would have been, at bare minimum I would have asked to make sure they knew my laughter was derisive. The last time I talked to the wrath of god, the seahags, my exs, mother, I told her I no longer had any reason to maintain the pretense I liked her. She told me the same went for her. I asked with some incredulity had she really been trying to be nice?

April 18, 2007

Personally I would have gone the other way. Since they have picked names for Lilman to call them he should pick a name for them to call him. I’m sure you two could have fun coming up with something interesting. I mean sure tact and ‘the bitch exwife’ are fun but making people see their stupidity for themselves is SO much more fun. Oh! Maybe he can just called them Maw-Squared and Paw-Squared?

mawmaw and pawpaw huh.. hahaha…

April 19, 2007

RYN: Aww thanks! =D