it’s official …

i have just become The Queen Bitch of the Universe 

why you ask. because my 11 year old son thinks so

i have officially cut all computer usage for him.  if its not related to school hes not on the computer.  aparently even after getting rid of the myspace account and telling him hes not allowed to talk to the 16 yr old girl (thats threatening to commit suicide and then asking him for reasons why she shouldnt…) he decided to talk to her yet again today..

and on top of that he has a 10 year old girl telling him shes dreaming of having sex with him and she’s ”afraid he’ll rape her” if they were to ever meet..

HAHA fat chance id ever let that happen.

i know im stepping into this too late.. B should have done something about it when it all started this summer. but he didnt so i get to look like the bad guy. well so be it.

im perfectly willing to be the The QB  to keep him from getting hurt. 

I have to agree with shoeshine  he did hadnle it as well as any 11 yr old could really and maybe i should let him learn it the hard way.. but i really dont think so.  ive been down that road and im not willing to let my son walk it if i can prevent it. 

there are lessons to be learned  certainly.. but not at 11. and some lessons shouldnt be learned at all but he will and ill prevent the learning of them till hes a little older if i can.

im currently on a quest to find both girls parents.. if one is having nightmares and ones wanting to commit suicide, certainly something should be done.  there are deeper issues there that should be dealt with.

what has the world come to when the unthinkable becomes acceptable?



The QB

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September 4, 2006

Well if you’re really fond of the QB how about we say you’re the quarterback of the parents that actually care about their kids team? Right about know Lilman see’s you as the coach that didn’t put him into the big game. But one day when he’s older and has kids of his own he’ll realize what you did. If not consciously, at least subconsciously when he makes a hard decision for his own kids. OX2

September 4, 2006

RYN: You bad girl, you! 😉