is it really the 26th?

time seems to be just flying by every time i check the date  but it doesnt feel like it.   it doesnt seem like its been almost 10 days since i wrote my last enrty.   i really dont have anything to say.  my days are melting slowly together and becoming my life. not that its a bad thing, its a good thing.  i worry about shoeshine though.  hes over in the big kitty liter box  being shot at.

lilman is winding down his summer vacation. 2 weeks and counting till schools starts.

i still havent called dad and R to tell them im getting married next year.  though they probably know by now if R has talked to mother anytime recently.  i dont know why i havent told them.

Hillbilly Deluxe is playing at PJ’s tonight and farley and brad are doing the sound board for them so thats where well be tonight.  i havent actually heard them play but farley assures me they are good.  and i must agree out of hand since PJ’s seems to be one of the more popular bar’s here, its not liekly they would hire a band that sucked LOL 

ive found my dream wedding ring!  anyone got 8k i can borrow? LOL  who’d have thought i had such expensive taste!!


ah well i have things to do and im just sitting here delaying them. thankfully  none of the things are important 😀


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July 26, 2007

It may actually have been the 27th for me! A week ago I would have said you don’t need to worry but since the compound has been mortared twice maybe you’re right. 😛 Fortunately I should be out of here today and back to my normal home away from home. It never gets attacked. Enjoy the band and have a drink for me (damn General Order 1!). *mua*hugs*smeggles* Cheers