if your gonna work on saturday

DO NOT  DO NOT DO NOT and  i cant stress this enough ..




come into work and be a fucking  bitch to all and sundry who are all there voluntarily!

i mean really i dont give a rats patootie  who pissed in your cheerios  DO NOT  come into work and proceed to piss in mine!

common  courtesy here people!  REALLY!


i had a morning from hell thanks to linda bringing her bad mood to work with her.  as if you couldnt tell that already.

even bonnie, linda’s faithful sidekick  avoided her today and groused a bit about what bitch she was being.  thank god i left at 11 instead of opting to take the extra 6 hours  that were offered.  i finished off my rush orders and left the rest for monday.

good enough for me and if they dont like it.. oh well.

i did get to meet the ‘big boss’ today. Mr. Richardson, he seemed very nice and was rather cute, he reminded me of a young ron howard.

lilman and i are  gonna go see 300 some time today.  i have no clue what its about really.  i saw a brief  tail-end of a commercial last night and it seemd a bit like troy only with orcs? i dunno  but it seemed interesting. we’ll see.

ok  shower then lunch then movie.

yall have a good weekend

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March 31, 2007

RYN: Naughty!!

very well put but I consider them BOTH homos so the point is mute?*grin*…our secret(its morning sunshine)