i am aware

im aware that i havent been here in a while. and all i can say is.. im busy having a life. LOL

not that yall dont have one just cause youre here just that if atm im not at work or with kam im asleep. im trying to adjust to getting up at 330 in the morning some days.  tomorrow being one of those days.   im working in the deli @ a chevron helping run the register on occasion. its a no brainer of a job  but atleast its money comeing in atm.

i stopped at the community college out here the other day and picked up all the info ill need to be starting classes soon. i havent decided what ill be majoring in or anything im just gonna work on my associates first.

kam and i are well. lilman.. not so much atm. hes back to his old tricks of not doing what he needs to at school. all i can do is close my eyes and shake my head and sigh. im totally at a loss as to what to do for him.  im hopeing inspiration will strike while hes down here next weekend.  if it doesnt i might just hug him till he turns blue! LOL

really not a bunch going on. work and sleep and the rhythm my life is slowly falling into.

i hope your all well



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October 1, 2007

You think therefore you are? Hiya Sweets. Glad all is well. Sounds like your life is a slowly babbling brook all peaceful and calm. Well except for the rapids known as Lilman. Sorry. I’m interested to see what B does to try and fix the problem. Things here are bubbling – or is it babbling – along too. 70 days to go! Then the real fun starts. Me as a Mr – weird. *mua*hugs*smeggles* Cheers