holy hell where does it go?!

time i mean. 

im looking at 14 days and counting! WOOT

im ready to go.

ive been haveing strange dreams about my ex. not strange good or strange bad .. just strange.  hes in places that he shouldnt be! LOL

marissa has the measels. i hope she doesnt come in to work tomorrow! the last thing i need is to get sick before i go!

lilman is twitchy. hes ready for school to be over so he can go see his dad.  im ready for school to be over so he can go see his dad! he can go and inflict his teenage moodyness on him for the next 2 1/2 months LOL  ill miss him of course! but not for the first couple weeks i think LOL

oly is sick. hes grumpy. im going to have to hogtie and gag him. oh i have just the thing too! shoeshine sent me some 550 cord  MUAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA


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June 4, 2007

I just hope the next 179 go as fast as the last 60 or so. I’ll be dreaming of a white Christmas (in THIS country) and a Happy New Year. I’ll also hope and dream for a happy new start (re-start? continuation?) of the grand adventure that is your life. *M*H*S*