genetic reassignment

ok Haredawg wrote a couple of ‘ranting’ entries though i dont think  they really were but he called them a rant so rant they shall be.  anyway read this  and then this  to see what he said.

anyway  it put the idea of genetis reassignment into my head.  though his entries had nothing to do with it really.

so heres the thought

he mad the comment about a return to ‘traditional values’ and i think we do need to return to them  but not in the way  that he said it cause he was being sarcastic BUT i do think we need to find our moral compass again  because it has been lost for a long time.  when you look around and see what  we do to each other on a daily basis as if  its nothing as if killing and stealing and rapeing are no big deal.  oh sure we all get offended  or upset by it  but what do we realy do about it? we shake our heads and say ‘oh thats wrong’ and then move on  not really doing a thing to stop it.  our contry was founded on great things and yet we havent really done any great things with our foundation.

but im going off on  a tangent there  let me get back on track

we have sexual reassignment  men and women  each becoming the other  so why not genetic re assignment?  oh i know we havent fully mapped the human genome yet  but were getting  there.  i know this is going to sound cruel to some of you  but well thats just another little part of me… luna the cruel 😀

we have inmates on deathrow just waiting to die  and costing tax payers assloads of money.. so give them the option of letting scientists experiment on them. flip thier ‘gene switches’ so to speak.  theyd be taken better care of as ‘secure lab rats’ and theyd  be doing  a good thing for once. they can always say  no to the option.  i know its all very Gataca  but im not talking about  being the perfect human im just talking about learning to flip a switch in those of us that the wrong switch has been left on.  just learn to turn off the pedofile switch you know.  all these bad things that people do that everyone says  oh well hes genetically predisposed to this, like alcoholism we could learn to turn off that gene as well.  and for those that say well hes a product of his environment he was abused as a child. i cry BULLSHIT on this. because there are plenty of  people that  have overcome thier enviroment or ther childhood to become  good people  that dont rape and murder and humiliate or go on to perpetuate the cycle.

so for those that cant overcome thier environment neuter them. and i use neuter in a general term not just as it applies to men. i know women are jsut as guilty and getting worse  if the number of women in prison now as compared to a few years ago  is any indication.

we need to stop allowing this.  and this would be a good way. learn to map the human genome and when a baby is born  you check thier DNA and see that they have the wrong switch turned on and you turn it off before  they can grow up to kill someone. 

i know i know  ‘you cant do that thats playing god’ well as i see it  god hasnt so much as looked our way in a very long time. what is is al pacino says in devils advocate.. god is an absente landlord. ..

be even along with all this there can be such good ‘side effects’ like finding the gene that causes cancer or lukemia or diabetes, the list goes on and on.

and really something has to be done.  aside from putting an express lane in at death row.  because  obviously putting these people in prison isnt working  they just come out worse then when they went in.  so it becomes genetic reassignment or a little ‘chlorine in the gene pool’ 

fool me once shame on  you fool me twice shame on me fool me a third time and your obvioulsy dealing with our justice system.

anyway  i know its not really coherent or well worded  and really not anything to do with what haredawg wrote  but its the thought that swirled up from the depths of my murky little puddle.



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December 19, 2006

Wow, I’m linked. Um, I have nothing against values, it’s made for TV values that bug me. The only problem I have with experimenting with death row inmates is that 1) it’d still cost a lot of money and 2) the rapists and murderers and pedophiles in jail aren’t the problem, it’s the ones who haven’t been caught that are the problem and flipping the genome for everybody is a bit drastic, no?

December 19, 2006

I mean every notion of a christian God, whether real or not, involves human free will. Flipping the caught bad guys only means you change the nature of the dumbest of abusers. It’s a little too wrong side of the Darwinian bell curve ain’t it? The difference between an amoral citizen and an amoral inmate is typically discretion.

December 19, 2006

However, if you are in some part referencing my entries and THAT sort of moral affront, I’m all for it. Of course I’m the only far left liberal I know in favor of the death penalty. Crimes like pedophilia have a 97 percent recidivism rate. If you know there will be another victim if you let him go, save the prisoner a lot of guilt and the community a lot of sorrow and walk him down the gang plank.

December 19, 2006

Incidentally, the 97 percent recidivism is with the most modern treatment in place and it does not mean a three percent success rate, one percent disappear or die of other causes, one percent white knuckle the rest of their lifeand then like the other one percent they both become a part of the following years recidivism. It’s a floating 3 percent.

December 19, 2006

We have all kinds of cool ways of justifying murder, WMD’s for instance or “self defense”, we justify stealing “it’s a big corporation and I was hungry” adultery “his wife doesn’t understand him” but I don’t know a single way anyone justifys the buggery of children, and knowing there will be more victims, how can you let these guys/girls go?