full of cotton

my head is full of cotton
but im not surprised since im living in the land of cotton!

i feel like all i do is sleep and play right now. its a nice break  but its starting to drag me down.

i need to get back to work. and the thought fills me with a dreadful sigh

this has been a nice interlude but doing literally nothing all day is starting to drive me nuts LOL

im not sure how i did it for so long whil e i was married to B. well i wouldnt call being a mom all day nothing! it certainly fill the time and i wouldnt change it for the world. but now the blissful interlude is going to have to come to an end. ok  maybe not an end but definatly a change is needed.  were headed to GA to pick up lilman and see my sister next weekend. i think her boyfriend is racing that weekend so well prolly go watch him.  so after that last little bit of freedom ill buckle down and get myself a job. 

time to update the resume (say it  *ree zoom e*  like lilman)

im siting here not really thinking much. kam is on the phone and if i turn my head just a little i can see him rolling his eyes at his friend on the other end.

you know i havent had a real migriane in a while. a few doozys of a headache  but nothing too horribly bad. im supposed to send my doc in portland an email every week and keep him updated.

in roughly a year he want to make arangements for me to go to huntsville and have another MRI ‘just to check things out’ as he puts it. maybe i will maybe i wont. thats a year from now LOL

ahh well dinner is cooking and i need to go stir the hamburger.  hamburger helper is the lazy womans friend im telling ya! LOL  but it took me 2 hours to cook dinner last night and the night before so i think a little dinner time slack is ok tonight LOL  atleast its not truely slack like wen i decide potpies are for dinner LOL

sometimes i sit and think or really i sit and dont think and just take deep breaths and enjoy the lack of stress. my mind doesnt whirl nearly as much as it used to.  sometimes i wonder if im gonna wake up and this will all have just been a dream.

i hope not. id rather sleep forever except that if this is a dream i need to wake up and take care of lilman.  so this quiet and stillness that i feel must be real.

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