finally here

ok well im here in  ‘bama now

have been since sunday, not long since its only tuesday

the trip went well.  i didnt get to see T and B on my way thru Cali.  she didnt answer her phone 🙁  so i guess maybe next time. 

i did stay and extra day with my sis and dad though  it was nice to see them all again.  except for D my sisters husband. managed to steal $400 from me while i was there rotten &^$#*@ !!

anyway the trip was long and tireing and im still recovering!  i woke up stiff and sore today. 

copper took the trip well too.  better then i thought he would.  but towards the end he andi were both restless and we got out at every rest stop just to walk around a bit.  he’d sit down next to the car when i told him t o get back in and just look at me and sigh as if to say ‘ do i really have to?’

itll be a whiile before he willingly gets in a car again i think LOL


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June 26, 2007

YAY! I almost called last night but decided to hold off until I was sure you were there. Expect a call soon. I feel your pain over the whole “do I have to get back in the car thing”. Next time I see you I’ll give you a belated full body massage. 😛 One time Sacha snuck off instead of getting back in the car and we almost left her at a rest stop on the move from Florida to Maryland! *M*H*S*