YEAH YEAH YEAH (a quasi-real entry)

I can’t help it. It’s been a while and I’ve got that urge, even though I don’t really have enough time to talk about everything. I didn’t check when the last entry was either so I’m not entirely sure where to begin so I’ll just recap a few little events and whatnot.

Basically the main thing that happened recently was the big May birthday bash-o-rama on Saturday. I first attended Nikki’s second birthday gathering at I think 6-9PM. I had a pizza and a not-insiginificant amount of beer, then I bowled! I was there along with about 10 or 11 or 14 I can’t remember other people, friends of Nikki’s (presumably). They were all pretty awesome. I think that was pretty much the first time I had actually attended a gathering of people where I knew almost nobody and actually didn’t end up being a wallflower. So that was cool. Sign of progress or something.

After that I went to one of my good friend’s parties, Sean, and met a few of the remaining stragglers (about half the people had already left by the time I showed up) and we went to the Persian Tea House and drank tea and got hopped up on sugar cubes — I just can’t stop adding sugar cubes to my tea, damnit — and smoked a few bowls of Nargila. By that time I had sobered up a bit, so the obvious idea was to go to another friend’s house (along with the birthday boy, Sean) to get liqued up again, which we did. We also ended up sitting outside on the porch while drinking/smoking and someone brought up the Two Towers… and well, 3AM-be-damned, that was it. We had to watch it. So we hopped down to Tim Hortons, grabbed a bunch of donuts and sandwiches, grabbed some more booze, and proceeded to watch about 15 minutes of the Two Towers before we all passed out (only to wake up to a home-made breakfast by the friend’s mom which was totally awesome). Then I left early ’cause I thought I had work but turns out I didn’t which was alright too.

Other than that, what happened… well I’ve been in various states of inebriation pretty much non-stop since Friday due to staying over at three separate peoples’ houses just for the hell of it which was y’know, cool. Could do with more sleep though.

Today was Mother’s day — which of course none of you forgot — and my brother and I took our mother out to a really nice morning buffet downtown. We had… so much food. Omelettes and bagette french toast and eggs benedict and pancakes and spicy sausages and bacon and hashbrowns and fruit and veggies and croissants and danishes and and and… well I’m sure I’m forgetting things. But it was freakin’ awesome. Then we went to visit our grandmother for a few hours, delivering her a bouquet of flowers. After that, we went our separate ways. I had to go to Future Shop to get a minor issue with my iPod fixed, and then I stopped in to the gym for a quick session. That was pretty much my day really. I guess not a lot else has happened of particular note… OH wait a few things now that I think of it.

Okay so first of all, Nikki and I had a chat on MSN after like a billion years of never talking on it and it was really good. Okay there were a few brief lulls here and there but overall it was continuous, playful, HI-LARIOUS, and just… really natural. It reminded me a lot of how we used to talk back in the old days… I don’t mean when we were going out but before that. Before we had even met in person, when we used to chat on MSN every day. It was like that, and it was cool. It was something I’d missed for a long time. So yeah.

On top of that, and this is a little fucked up, I’ve had three separate women from places all across the globe tell me in no uncertain terms that they want to have sex with me.

On a totally unrelated note, MUST FINISH GETTING DRIVER’S LICENSE.

Also, and this has the potential to get a little messy maybe, but I think I accidentally asked someone out. See, a buddy of mine and his girlfriend broke up a few months ago, and she started seeing some guy. I think she’s pretty attractive but I figured I couldn’t really take advantage of the situation because 1) it was too soon after the breakup and later, 2) she was with some other guy. But we were talking about things a little later and she mentioned that she was in an “open relationship” which basically means a normal relationship except the people involved can have sex with other people. So I was like, “Hmmm…” so anyway the next time I had a chance to talk to her I mentioned that I was available and she said she was interested but not right now because she didn’t want to cause any awkwardness with her ex. She then later mentioned how she was going to brag to her current boyfriend about how I had asked her out… which I didn’t really think twice about. But now that I think about it, I believe she may have gotten the impression that I was asking for something that actually involved some kind of emotional investment, which is totally not right. So I gueeeeess I’ll have to clear that up or something. The way I see it, it’s not really any of her exes business. Whatever though. Anyway I want to go to bed early so I’m gonna hit the hay.

Night y’all.

Oh I can’t remember if I mentioned this but I got my own place in Kelowna so as soon as I get the internet hooked up with that I’ll be updating with regularity whenever I’m in Kelowna. We only have 34 more working days here in Vancouver before we’re totally done here soooo… there ya go. I’m sure you’re all just ecstatic. Anyway… bed.

Oh, one more thing I neglected to mention. At my OTHER friend’s birthday which was a few weeks ago I think, we went to this club that he bounces at and for the first time in my life, I danced in public. Like seriously danced, not fake-danced to make people laugh. At first I was kinda like “oh god what am i doing i need more beer for this” but eventually I just thought, “ah, fuck it” and just went crazy for hours. And I had a blast. And not only did I have a blast, but I was I think one of maybe three guys that had a random girl actually come up to him and start dancing with him. And she was like… dancing with me if you get what I mean. It was pretty awesome. It’s things like these that are really starting to get me over that whole self-image thing. Ok now seriously, bed.

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