Sojourn, Girls, and Weights

I’m going to sneak one last entry in before I pack up and hit the hay early.

Tomorrow morning the journey begins… we drive into, well, I don’t even know where we’re going! We have to sleep somewhere but I’ll be damned if I know where yet. I haven’t had any updates on that but I’m sure we have something worked out. I don’t really want to sleep in the truck… the seats are all dirty.

So anyway, maybe today will be a bit of a later night since I need to do another load of laundry. I have to pack enough clothes to last over a month! Hah! Except not because I’ll just be wearing work clothes which are basically the same pair of shorts rotated each week, and a series of t-shirts. So pretty much everything I’m packing will be socks and underwear.

And of course a few nicer things since I plan on going out when I get the chance! And I’ll actually be able to use my cellphone when I get there!

It could be interesting, that’s for sure. I think I’m going to be going a mile a minute once I arrive, here’s why:

First of all, it’s my brother’s intention to start off going 10 days on, 3 days off. That sounds fine to me but I thought he was heading up for the weekends… awfully confusing. Well anyway, so I have no idea when I’ll actually be available to meet up with my friends (some of whom I haven’t seen for months… poor them!)

I’m going to have to spend time with my mom, of course, because hey she’s my mom and she’s at least partly responsible for my awesome genetics. Haha! No but seriously, I want to stay tight with mom so we’ll have to do something nice some time.

Then there are all my old highschool buddies that I saw quite often before I moved. I’ll have to do something with them… something that involves drinking. That sounds good. Except a lot of my friends are poor. Or are they… wait all my friends have jobs again! HELL YES! Typical I had to move away when all my buddies suddenly spontaneously moved back and got jobs… oh well. Price you gotta pay for a future I guess.

Then I’ve got a lady-friend from work that I dated for about a month (and practically moved in with for that time) before I left. She tells me she just wants to be friends but she sure is clingy for a friend. Eeeee… (insert concerned-looking face here). She really wants to see me and of course, she wants to get laid. The feeling is mutual. So I guess that works out and if she goes all insane-clingy on me, well, I’m moving back up here in a month anyway so I am immune! Immune I say! Dramabetic!

And then there’s my ex who I still pathetically pine over whenever my mind stops spinning long enough for some intraspection. We’re still close and we’ve fired off a good 25 e-mails between the two of us since I moved here, I offered to take her out to dinner if our schedules coincide. I’d like to do some inappropriate things to that girl… but! She has a boyfriend and I don’t make moves on girls with boytoys unless they make it first. So it’s a completely friendly dinner for her. Plus I really like eating out and I may as well do it with someone, right? … right?

Let’s see… what else is on my mind? I should carry a notebook around with me so I don’t forget about shit to write down. Well, nevermind that. The big thing for me is when we finish with the job down there, first of all, I’ll have raked in some major moo-lah. Almost all of which will be going towards buying a bobsled so I can go nuts during the wintertime because during the colder months things tend to slow down and I don’t want to be trapped around the house all day (expect a slow-down in entries followed by something titled “OMG BOBSLEDDING IS SUPER AWESOME K”). What was I talking about again? Oh yeah. Once we’re finished with the job down in Langley, my brother and I will be coming back up — duh — and getting a gym membership. Fuck, finally!! It’s only been what, three months since I’ve been to the gym now? Yeah, and the last half year I’ve been going 3-5 times a week. So I’m going a bit stir-crazy not being able to do that.

God damn, though. I’m going to have to get my nutritional habits in order. Oh oh! I’m going to go on one of my infamous workout/nutrition rants that I used to do like, every third entry, in my old diary! Feel free to skip this part.

So anyway, my metabolism is pretty crazy as it is, but since I’m running around 6-10 hours a day I have to eat even more than usual. Basically, if I don’t eat twice as much as a regular person my weight, I start to waste away into nothing. Fortunately, I just recently acquired a copy of the book, Gourmet Nutrition, by my favorite sports nutritionist, Dr. John Berardi (swooning goes here).

It has a ton of awesome recipes with excellent macronutrient rations and a plethora — yes, a plethora — of food preparation tips so that I won’t fall off the bandwagon. I’ll tell you right now, preparing enough food to feed two people every day is a pain in the ass. So once I get back I’ll put all that shit to use and hopefully we’ll see some improvements! I’d really like to hit those goals I set for myself in the gym within the next couple of years (overhead press 225lbs, squat 500, deadlift 600)… they are pretty reasonable and not really that far off from where I’m at now so I’m sure I can do it! I just need to work on that whole “eating enough food” thing since my metabolism is an evil calorie-burning machine of doom.

Okay, I’m done with that. My mind feels lighter now, mission accomplished! Sayonara!

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I’m glad your mind feels lighter now, writing seems to do that, does it not? sat safe always!

OOOPS, typo: Stay 😉