Oooh, that just kicked it up a little bit.

So. On the 6th of this month I made a resolution to myself to do the impossible — put 10 pounds on by July 6th. I went out and did a bunch of grocery shopping that’ll enable me to eat six meals a day, which hopefully will help.

In addition, I went and bought some supplements (creatine ethyl esther, fish oil tabs, and branched chain amino acids) that are proven to be excellent but that I never tried because I wanted to see what I could do without them first.

Well, I gave them a try yesterday before I went and immediately put 30 pounds onto my squat (now at 345). Which is awesome because that’s about three months worth of work. I’m pretty stoked. I think between the supplements and really working hard at eating I might actually be able to do it (I’ve been stuck at 170-ish for about two years).

Anyway I just wanted to say that for posterity. I’m ridiculously excited. I’ll do a weigh-in on the 13th and see if I’m making any progress. Hopefully yes!

If I really push it I might be able to achieve my lifetime goals in the next year.

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