One time I had a thought

but this song is so damn good gaaaaaaah!

deadmau5 – and kaskade i remember instrumental mix.

ok. so this is kinda weird and i don’t really know how to formulate a reasonable introduction so i’ll just dive right in. all of a sudden i am getting a lot of female attention. i went like… literally years with nothing more than sloppy, drunken (and consequently, rather off-putting) come-ons.

let’s see, who is there right now. shit this might be more complicated to explain than i’m prepared for. i’m gonna try and see how incomprehensible it is! fuck yeah! Hahaha fuck I just tried to write that shit out with abbreviated names and it was incomprehensible. Fuck it.

So my friend Nate and I went to someone’s house to play beer pong (it’s a thing we do). I got there early and ended up hanging out with Amira and the host for a while and we hit it off pretty well. We played as partners and did horribly… mostly because I was already pretty wobbly by the time we played. Anyway, she starts going to my work more and more often (the beer pong host and her friends come drink where I work on an almost weekly basis). Then one night where we’re all totally shmammered… well, it’s hard to explain. Something happened that added a lot of sexual tension, I think that’s the best way to explain it. Anyway, she started texting me a bunch after that and always comes downstairs to hang out with me alone (the group she comes in with always stays together).

There’s Juliana, who I alsoplayed beer pong with during winter. We also went street skiing and then got a bunch of people to have a huge snowball fight with each other. Actually that fuckin’ ruled. Anyway… well, I can just see the way she looks at me when she talks to me, it’s like… so intense, almost trancelike. Not normally enough for me to say someone might be interested in me (I’m a guy – not that good a judge of subtlety), but then tonight she came up to me at work on her way out and we hugged, and then she said something like “oh, it’s too bad i live in victoria” or something, to which i responded something like “it’s not that much of a problem” and she got this big smile. it was pretty obvs.

Then there was Sam’s other friend who met me for the first time tonight, who was basically sexually assaulting me. we kissed a bit (literally in the middle of a huge crowd and nobody noticed i am so fuckin slick), exchanged numbers, and that was that.

There’s also this girl at work who started a month or two ago who will basically focus only on me and ignore everyone else in any group conversation. also she keeps referencing funny things i mention in the past when we talk, which i interpret as her trying to establish a connection between the two of us? am i right? i dunno. Oh she’s super gorgeous too wowowowowow. heh, the three of us made a bet to see who would sleep with her first. it wasn’t really serious though, don’t worry, we’re ironic chauvanists, not the real thing. honest.

There’s also Kelly who I work with but I fucked that up and didn’t act on it soon enough and now she has a boyfriend. d’oh! then again it might have been for the best, i really hate her friends. they’re the worst. literally the worst. I know I still should have at least tried though, maybe she would have been receptive to something more casual.

There was also this um… i have no idea what the word would be. Javelineer? Launcher of Javelins? Facilitator of Javelin Aerodynamics? Well whatever, she threw sharp sticks as a sport. Did you know javelin throwers are really tall? god damn. anyway she was really nice but her personality was just like WHOOOAAAHHHH…. know what I mean? too much man, too much. Maybe it’s bad for discriminating against someone because they have too much personality but whatever. how it is. Oh also she moved to alberta.

Then there’s… Meshelle, who’s also friend of the party host (Sam), but I’m just not physically attracted to her at all. she’s really nice though oh god that sounds so bad.

And all this just started happening out of NOWHERE like two months ago. I have done literally nothing differently at all. I think the only change I made is I started cutting into my video gaming time with my reading time. But seriously, after so long of a complete and absolute absence of interest, and suddenly blammo. It’s pretty good for the ego/confidence though I gotta say. Now I just have to figure out what to do oh sheeeeeeeeeeeeee…….it. I am The. Worst.™ at like… wow I totally forgot what the word is. Move things to the next level? Ugh that sounds so lame. Express my interest? I think I’m already doing that quite well… Seal the deal? I think that’s the closest I can think of. Oh and I have to choose which one… good times. I’ve never really been in a situation like this before.

OH SHIT I just read the top of my entry and saw that song I am so going to listen to it right now RIGHT. THE FUCK. NOW.

ok i dunno how to wrap this up bye

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