oh god im watching much music

And if that isn’t bad enough? The first time I typed “Much” I wrote m-u-t-c-h. That’s what happens when I don’t get my thirteen hours of sleep.

So anyway, I guess I’m way overdue for an entry right now. Oh sweet, my computer is showing the text here as white on the white background for some reason! Nevermind it suddenly appeared. I’m going to be really happy when I buy that new badboy.

My friends are going to have a big LAN party when Neverwinter Nights 2 comes out so I plan on buying a computer and having it assembled before then. There’s my nerdery of the day.

So. Yes, I am officially back in Vancouver, living at my mom’s place in the interim… well, most of the time. I also crash at friends’ places as well but mostly at my mom’s place. I miss having my own house. But I can’t really complain, since I’ve had this entire week off. This is the third week we’ve been down here so far. I already worked two weeks, usually putting in 12-13 hours a day. The way I like to describe the work to people is think of working in a busy sandwich shop. Now, imagine it’s lunch rush for twelve straight hours. Now imagine that the sandwiches weigh between 20 and 80 pounds. That’s basically my job. I don’t dislike it, it’s just really quite challenging is what I’m trying to say… and it takes a bit of getting used to.

I talked about that with Nikki when I saw her a few days ago. I don’t know if I’ve mentioned this earlier in here, but I really feel like I’m taking a long time to adapt. Most of the time I do things pretty proficiently but a day rarely goes by where I don’t at least screw something up once. So it gives me a lot of second thoughts. I mean, I’ve been doing this for around three months now and I still suck. That often gets me thinking “maybe this isn’t the thing for me.” Whatever though, right? It’s not like I’m going to get fired so I just have to focus as much as I can. There’s just too much opportunity here for me to give up on. I still think about just coming back to Vancouver and staying there about every day though.

Anyway, so back to girls. There’s that one girl that I stayed with the month before I left, well… did I explain this whole scenario? I can’t remember. I guess I’ll recap.

So as I mentioned, I stayed with her the month before I left. We had agreed to do so on the terms that we were not “an item” and once I left we would keep in touch but just be friends, like we were before we started sleeping with each other.

Well while I was away, we kept in touch via e-mail and MSN Messenger and just the general tone she had with me and the way she spoke to me gave me the impression that she thought we were still in a relationship — despite she and I making it very clear that this was not the case. Seriously I said in no uncertain terms at the beginning, “We’re remaining ‘just friends’.”

So when I finally returned, I met her and some of her friends at a Chinese place and caught the tail end of some Dim Sum. Then we went downtown and she was all wanting hugs and kisses and shit. Okay, so I admit it, I didn’t head it off at the pass there like I probably should have… well I’m not really sure I want to do anything about it. I mean, right now it’s sort of symbiotic. She gets companionship and something/someone to do. I get the same thing… plus a place to stay when it’s not convenient for me to stay at my mom’s place. Sure she’s not going to be in good shape when I leave again but I’ve done my part in telling her what’s up and if she wants to get all emo about it, fine.

Speaking of getting all emo about things, my day out with Nikki was pretty good. I got my hair cut (FINALLY). After that, we met at Starbucks — typical — and went on our way to an IHOP breakfast. Yay! I just really like IHOP for some reason… although I remember it being a lot better the last time I went there. Maybe I should have gone to the Sunshine Diner instead. That place is damn good. But! I digress.

There are a number of supplement and vitamin stores in the mall IHOP is situated in so I was able to get all caught up with that stuff — Omega-3 supplements, glucosamine/chondroitin, and Betaine Hydrochloride — and then we went Bowling! That was kinda cool. I was juuust starting to get the hang of it! Still sucked like a cyclone vacuum, but I’m makin’ some improvement.

Anyway, from there we went to a park that… honestly? Isn’t really all that nearby but I guess it was convenient for her toyfriend to pick her up. Anyway, so we just sat at the park for a while talking about things while we shared a small container of ice cream. One of the things that was brought up, and that I have a little trouble understanding, is that she has severed contact with the two exboyfriends of hers that still wanted to be with her. One guy is emotionally attached to her like crazy, and one guy just wants to have a guaranteed bang. So she no longer talks to these guys — or so she told me, anyway — but she still talks to me, and she knows that I fit into both those categories. What’s with that? Maybe it’s just because I’m not so creepy with it or it’s less obvious so it doesn’t bug her or something. Well, whatevs.

Now onto another category altogether. A friend of mine (who I had trained before and had some pretty good results with) and his girlfriend were looking for a gym to go to. They found this one near their house but didn’t actually go inside and wanted me to go with them to make sure that everything was hunky-dory there and to show them around, what to do, how to do it, all that jazz. Well when I got there the gym was basically the most awesome place ever. Not only did they have a lot of rare but really important equipment, but the guys were knowledgeable and the rates were beyond reasonable. Less than $400 for the entire year. And you can put the payments on hold any time you want. And you can quit whenever you want and get the remainder of your money back. It was unbelievable. It really makes me wish I lived in Vancouver. Oh yeah, since I’m training my friends the guy gave me a free temporary pass (since I won’t be going there very often due to work). Holy shit, huh? I just wish I knew more people that were actually into going to the gym so I could recommend that place there.

I’m going to make a sandwich now.

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