I am very lazy/not lazy!!

Okay, so here I am again. I just got back from Kelowna a couple hours ago and now I’m back writing here. Why? I’ll tell you why. It’s YOU! You guys keep leaving me notes and making me want to come back here and write more. Sheesh. Have a little respect for a guy, will ya?

That’s meant in jest, obviously.

Anyway, so where have I been? Well, basically I’ve spent the last week on vacation. I actually managed to spend some time in my house was nice, and pretty much turned myself into… BACHELOR MAN! Savior of himself and also leftover slices of pizza. The majority of the time I just wanted to relax, and also stay inside where it’s cool because it was, on average, mid-30s outside (celsius), which is fucking hot, so basically most of the time I sat inside and ate food, drank beers, smoked, and watched reality TV. It was seriously awesome. It would’ve been nicer if I had furniture in the house other than the bed but… one step at a time.

Anyway aside from that, I went out to a pub with a buddy of mine from work and watched UFC. We also ordered two towers, which are 3L containers of sweet, sweet, beer. Of which I drank much. I also had nachos and chicken wings. Then we went back to the one of his friend’s apartments and smoked/drank some more and then it was time to go home because I had work the next day.

Aside from that, I actually did quite a bit of wandering around each day. I don’t have a car but everything is fairly close by, lots of restaurants, shopping, future shops, a movie theater (oh yeah I watched the latest Pirates movie, it wasn’t too bad, I wouldn’t watch it a second time though, didn’t really do it for me), grocery shopping… you know. It’s decent. Oh yeah and a liquor store. 😀 Problem is, everything is about ten blocks away. You know, walkable, but when it’s 35 degrees out you plan your crosswalk usage so that you can minimize your time standing in the sun and maximize your time standing in the shade.

So basically yeah. Lots of TV watching, lots of beers, LOTS of sleep and just laying around, but also lots of walking. Plus I went to the gym like four times or something. It’s a nice gym, they supply their own chalk which is handy — keeps your sweaty hands from dropping the bar.

So regarding the gym (y’all can skip this paragraph since it won’t interest anybody but myself), we had some good news and we had some bad news. The bad news is that, upon further research from a highly respectable source, I have discovered that my deadlift form is almost perfect. So I doubt I’ll hit the 450 mark anytime soon. 400 is only 35 pounds away though. I know that I don’t have much difficulty getting the weight up after it passes my knees, it’s just that initial pull that’s giving me difficulty. Hopefully learning to lock my elbows out before I pull will give me another ten pounds, but I need to consider what else to strengthen. I think, since it’s just the initial pull and consequently the flexion at my hips, I just need to keep focusing on glute/hamstring strength, which is what I’ve been doing the last year or so (and consequently what has brought my deadlift from a challenging 225 to a challenging but still doable 365). Which means I’m just going to keep squatting to bring my deadlift up. Speaking of squatting (and excellent segues), the good news: I just recently achieved the major goal of squatting 315. I don’t know if I could have done it if I didn’t have everybody in the whole gym staring at me. 315 isn’t a spectacularly good squat for professionals (i.e. collegiate athletes, professional athletes, people who weightlift professionally e.g. olympic lifters, powerlifters), but it’s more than I’ve ever seen anybody do in a public gym, ever. Plus it’s a milestone because it’s three full 45 plates a side. You don’t get to add a full 45 per side every day, or even every month… or for more experienced lifters, every year. It Obviously you have weights in between (5s, 10s, 25s, 35s), but the major milestones are 135 (two 45 lb plates and the bar, which weighs 45 pounds), 225 (two plates per side), 315, 405, 495, and 585. So obviously now that I’ve done 315… I have a new goal. In any case the 315 was surprisingly easy and I could have done it twice if I had taken another minute in rest between sets. So next time I’ll go for 325!

Okay gym stuff aside, it’s 11pm and I work tomorrow so I’m going to go to bed.

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