Hey folks.

Looks like I’m required to elucidate after all. However, I am mind-blowingly tired right now (and it’s only half-past midnight!) so I’m going to make it brief. Not as brief as the last entry, mind you, but brief compared to, oh, let’s say… well brief enough that it’s not worth thinking of an analogy to describe how brief it’s going to be. Although if I continue rambling like this, it’s not going to be very brief at all, is it!

Right. So, I work at a nightclub as a bouncer. It’s a great job because the pay is excellent, the other bouncers are friendly and all great guys (as well as most of the staff in general), and I get to throw fratboy douchebags around like ragdolls. There’s not much more a man can ask for in a job, really. OH and I only have to work one day a week to pay all my bills. ONE DAY A WEEK.

Mind you, they want me working three days this week and I guess I’ll take it because, hey. More money. And more money can’t hurt. Maybe I’ll upgrade my computer… ooooor I’ll take care of all those collection notices I keep getting on my medical. Hmm. We’ll see. I’ll flip a coin tomorrow morning. (kidding)

Oh, I also heard that the vancouver parks and recreation board has a 6 week (yes, WEEK) personal training course that can get me certified. If it’s only siz weeks long, there is no way it’s going to be as in-depth as, say, the National Strength and Conditioning Association’s Certified Strength and Conditioning Coarch certification (which I can pull about an 80% on). So I figure I can basically learn the CPR stuff (if they even teach that) and pass it effortlessly and then I can start charging people MONEY for what I do.


Which isn’t to say that I ultimately won’t be going to school to get my full CSCS cert later on, but this will just help me get PT jobs right now.

I need to bone up on my understanding of aerobic and anaerobic energy pathways though because I noticed it was a little hazy when a renowned trainer said his litmus test for other trainers was to ask them why maximal force contractions can only be sustained for 10 seconds and the best I could come up with was “something about the ATP-CP pathways exhausting intramuscular glycogen stores… or something”. Yeah, that ain’t gonna cut it.

Also, dear myspace girl: I don’t have a myspace page so I have no way of responding to your note!

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