Guess I’ll Elaborate…

Well yesterday… or I guess a couple days ago? Was basically a totally awesome day. It started off all normal-like, I was just doin’ my thing. Woke up, went to work with the bro, etc.

Before I get into the story, I’ll back up a bit. We made this chimney at the top of the house in stone. It’s salt-and-pepper granite, meaning the stone itself is white with black spots. Well, there’s a little gold gargoyle that floats around the jobsite that somebody thought would look cool on top of the chimney. So they put it there.

Well, it rained, and the gold coloring on the outside of the gargoyle drained off it and all over the white stone, staining it bright gold. Naturally I had to go up there and clean it off. Anyway…

So at the end of the day, my brother, the general contractor, and I were discussing the gargoyle and the stain and whatnot. The GC said to my brother, “Hey, how’d you like to smash it?” He said, “Well, my bro’s the one who had to clean it off, he should do it.”

Well, so naturally I gladly agreed to do the smashing. So we moved the gargoyle off to an open dirty area, and I hopped in the 18,000 pound excavator, got the hang of it a bit…

With a massive smile on my face, I positioned the bucket over the gargoyle, dangling it carefully over its head… and then WHA-BAM!

The arm came smashing down, and the earth literally shook. When I raised the bucket arm, the gargoyle was nothing more than tiny little shards squashed flat into the ground.

Oh yeah, and I got pictures.
(You don’t have to be a member to view the album)

Anyway, we got off work early that day, around six or so, so I decided to take advantage of the extra time and go to the gym. I started doing my workout when this guy, around 60-ish years old, who was working out behind me came up to me between sets and asked me if I was into powerlifting (it’s not hard to tell given my style of working out and choice of exercises). I said yeah and he was like, “Well you know there’s a powerlifting meet here in less than a week?” and I was like “NO WAY!” I’ve never been to a meet before and I’ve wanted to for a long time. Well anyway, we talked a bit more and we ended up spending the next 1-1.5 hours working a bit on my technique in a couple of the major lifts. I suspect these changes will help bring me past the points I’ve been sticking at, particularly for the deadlift. I’m sure it’ll push me past the 400 mark and probably into the 450s, which would be great because my goal is only around 500 so that wouldn’t be far to go.

Anyway one more thing. So I was talking to my brother about a couple of these girlies I’ve been talking to and he was like, “Buddy, you have to go see them!” and I’m all, “Uhhh… you realize they’re not only on the other side of the continent, but on the other side of the WORLD, right?” So he’s like, “Well I’m backing you on this one. I have no problem at all giving you a couple of weeks off in September/October and helping you out with flying costs and all but you gotta go.” I was like holy shit hell yes? For a couple reasons.

First of all, the furthest I’ve travelled is to mid-Alberta, the neighboring province. So being able to go all the way across North America into the States would be totally awesome. Not only that, but the other girl lives in fucking Europe. He said that I had to do both in one trip, so I’d be going to the States, then off to Europe, then back home. Which of course would be totally awesome (I actually know a lot of people all over Europe too so that could get a bit crazy…) and the girl from the states I’ve actually been friends with for eleven years. So yeah. I gotta get my passport in order so I can go on vacation for an intercontinental booty call.

Not much to report other than that though. Today’s Saturday and I’m heading back to Kelowna for a few days. I have now worked 19 consecutive days, the last 7 of which were 11 hours each. Today I don’t think we work since going back to Kelowna is quite an ordeal, but tomorrow and a day or two after that we’re going to be putting cultured stone on some dude’s house. No big deal though, it’s like a pro-fit ledgestone which is all squares of the same height and varying length… so it’s ridiculously easy to do. Just slap some mortar on ’em, stick ’em to the wall, level the piece, and repeat. And since it’s cultured stone and small pieces, it’ll be a lot less physical than working on the granite here in Vancouver which, after all the mortar is added, can weigh about fifty pounds each.

Oh yeah and did I mention that I’m almost on my second rent payment and so far I have spent a grand total of less than one day at my place? WOO! Anyway, I’m-a signing out.

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