Looks like my “eating buddy” (the person I go out to lunch/dinner with when I’m super hungry and who can actually eat as much as me) has turned into my workout buddy too – which is great because I haven’t had a gym partner in years. At least, I haven’t had one where I didn’t spend most of my time teaching instead of working out. But now I do and shit, his lifts are starting to catch up to my own which is a great motivator. My workouts have been some of the best in a long, long time (years). I went from barely squatting 295 one day to 4 days later squatting 315 for two-and-a-half (the last rep was pretty crappy).

Of course, to continue out-lifting him I have to eat like a motherfucker (He’s 6’3″ 230-ish now I think). I’m normally pretty wishy-washy about my eating where I’ll eat a couple meals one day and then the next day I’ll eat several massive meals… which, ultimately, yields zero results. But I’m back on the bandwagon and have been for over a week. The first time I’ve lasted more than a week since about half a year ago. I think this might be it, might be the time where everything actually clicks and I get it done. I’m pretty stoked.

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