Damn, it’s been too long

Okay okay okay I give in. I’ll write something just to prove I’m still alive. I actually never have OD closed and refresh it whenever I come by the computer, heh. So yeah I catch all the notes/updates/etc. Just sorta lurkin’ around.

So, update, update, yes yes right. Well I took a couple of weeks of work with my brother this week and the next to help him catch up on something he needed my help with. I don’t really want to do it (at all) but I kinda owe him one and also he’s paying me a ridonkulous amount. So hell may as well. ‘Specially since I only work like, two days a week normally.

As for my bouncing job, been pretty boring. Actually, HELLA boring. The last two days I worked I haven’t had to do fuck all.

Ugh. What else is on my mind. Well I need to cut back on the smoking a bit. It’s been getting a little insane. When you have three people that smoke all in the same house it’s easy to get carried away. I think I was high for three straight days on Saturday. Well, and Sunday and Monday.

Ummm… The new Star Wars game The Force Unleashed is being released on EVERY PLATFORM EVER pretty much (even PSP and DS for fuck’s sake) but NOT THE PC. AAAUUUGH. You have no idea how upset that makes me as this game is pretty much going to reevolutionize environment physics and ragdoll physics. Ugh. And it’s STAR WARS and I am still recovering from being the biggest Star Wars geek on the planet so yeah.

Uhh, a game all (literally, all) my friends and I used to play about 5 years ago that got taken down is being put back up by the owner. This game basically owned my life for eight years. I’m totally back into it now but I seem to be able to keep from going too insane. Probably because of my friends’ fractured schedules. If we were all on at the same times like we would be in high school I’d be soo fucked.

Lessee what else what else… I am doing a lot better with my nutrition than normal. Not great by any means, but better than usual. I’m sure that if I keep at it, despite falling off the wagon at least every week I’m actually screwing it up less and less as time goes by. So. I WILL NOT GIVE UP.

Also my decrease in failure levels has resulted in a positive turn at the gym. I’ve been setting PRs and just basically kicking ass at all my workouts.

Oh yeah, and I’m starting to hate my phone. The mouse clicker gets dirty and then I can’t click on stuff without hitting the enter button. It’s a real pain.

And finally… I am majorly jonesing for some female companionship. It’s easy to forget about in a house where you have two roommates but I definitely feel lonely sometimes. But what can ya do? Just gonna suck it up for now.

Peace out.

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