Almost, but not quite

That’s how guilty I feel about not having written in a while.

Today is a particularly busy day so I’m not going to spend a ton of time elaborating on things (right now, anyway) but I do have some downtime so I guess I’ll go over things quickly just for posterity.

So, first and foremost, I finally got my new computer. Yay! My old monitor is being delivered to me today by a friend as well. Soon, the gaming shall begin and once again I will rule the lands as Introvert King!

Other than that, well, I just got paid a couple of days ago so I’ve been treating myself to ridiculous — dare I say ridonkulous? — feasts. On payday I had a few beers with lobster rolls, grilled spicy chicken strips, and a 10oz steak with lobster, scallop, and shrimp, plus mashed taters and zucchini and carrots. Hell yes!

Then yesterday I had another steak, 11oz this time… with a superfluous amount of garlic potatoes, and some vegetables I can no longer remember… plus I also got some chicken tortellini. And some garlic bread. And a couple salads. And some chicken quesadillas. And a chocolate pecan pie.

Oh yes, I ate so much I had difficulty breathing afterwards. It was sick!! Then I went to some music lounged with a bunch of people and listened to some indie rock bands for a few hours, which was mighty cool I tell ya what. I also watched Clerks II before that.

What else have I been up to, you ask? Well, work. Shit-tons of work. Lots of 10-12 hour days. You know how some people are all like, “Oh yeah I worked my hands raw today!” I literally worked them raw. All my fingertips are bright red and look weird. I foresee peeling (I’ll keep y’all updated — promise!).

Other than that… fuck, all my friends are breaking up! Seriously, literally all of them. Well not my friends, but my friends relationships. For the first time since high school, we’re all single. Well except me but I don’t think I really count. Anyway, just in the last month or two, two relationships of 4-5 years ended. It totally sucks. They both ended for pretty much the same reason, too… the girls wanted to fuck other guys. Geez. Have you women no shame!?!?

Anyway, all that aside, I must say that some introspection as of late has caused my feelings towards a few people to change. Neither change for the better nor for the worse… just for the different. But that’s a rant-and-a-half for a whole other entry.

Also I highly recommend everybody go out and watch “The Departed”. Awesome movie. Awesome.

It’s awesome.

Seriously it’s tota — okay I’m gonna go play computer games now. See what this baby’s capable of…

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How fantastic ! A new pc to play with. I am thinking about having a new one built myself! man, thats alot of steak you consumed, lol, I always measure mine to 4 ozs. LOL