All busted up, yo

Before I start writing, I want to say that a good policy is to always say something positive whenever you say something negative. I got into that habit and I think it’s really changed how I am as a person and how I view things.

It also makes me intensely annoyed at people that never say anything positive. I may have been like that before, though, so I won’t blame it on the change.

Now that I have that over with…

I know I said I would write an entry about my crazy trip but I just don’t have it in me today. I don’t know why but I’ve been awake for less than twelve hours and I was ready for bed about two hours ago. The only reason I’m not sleeping right now is because I have laundry in the dryer, and party of it is my bed. Hah!…….fuck.

Anyway what else. OH yeah I was supposed to call the phone company to tell them that I hadn’t received their form to let me fill in the…… thing…. thing to fill in… some form so I could pay my bill directly out of my account each month. That way I wouldn’t have to actually, like, do it. But it’s too late now, I’m sure they’ll be charging me the fee and… fuck. It’s a long story. I don’t have the energy right now.

I probably shouldn’t even be writing but I guess I have nothing else to do right now and when I get into the habit of writing it becomes this itch I have to scratch sometimes.

Anyway… can’t BELIEVE how tired I am. Fuck. Like I’m gonna collapse. I even slept in for three hours this morning. Well I’m gonna check the laundry.

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