A revelation

So, today I have concluded that I am absolutely useless at expressing my attraction to other people.

Today was completely out of nowhere. Suddenly I got more attention than I’ve seen in years. Years.

Haha this music is so awesome it completely made me forget what I was talking about. OH right.

So yeah, tonight I went in to work I had one girl ask me to dance, another girl keep trying to make excuses to talk to me (and eventually engaging me in a full-on conversation later on that, sadly, got interrupted), and two more girls at the end of the night who just decided to give me some sort of standing two-girl lapdance.

Now, granted, they were all probably pretty drunk, but still. That has never happened before and it completely caught me off guard. And I completely and utterly failed to show even slight interest because, why? I suck.

Hmm. I need much more practice, definitely. Sad. Outside of a going-out type of setting I totally suck! I’m not bad in those ones though. Blah blah I’m rambling The End.

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