~remnants of a view
From over 4 years ago, just as I decided to return
to the corporate world- to attempt to use it’s advantages in my favor,
toward my goals at the time- and from here, from 4 years out, I see
that I was right…
the sound of the trucks in the distance
lift my eyes to the highway
and I watch traffic flow
in the system, far away
that was the only goal of this period in my life
to keep the system far away
to keep the activity, the politics, the facade
to keep the impersonal nature
the interminable sacrifices
off on the distance
far off
in the distance
is a place where i can fit in and live a relatively normal life
but sacrifices need to be made
and this is the transition i’m aching through now
gearing up to lose perspective of what i can see from a distance right now
to learn and perform details of a small, specific part of it all
to give most of my time to the confining regularity of working society
and in return have the stability to record
the remnants of the view
I now hold in my mind
instead of watching the traffic flow,
seeing it as a whole,
i’ll be driving one of those vehicles
thinking they are separate from mine, from me
…perspectives were lost, remnants created, but
now I’m reminding myself-
re mind ing-
recording remnants is important.
Later, with time, I’ll hold the view again;
will puzzle them back together.
cool…seems like things are going well for you now, too 🙂
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