Should I take melatonin or just say “Fuck you Sleep”?

Because I hate it wearing off at like 3-5a… and then me feeling like a bleeding zombie for the day unless I chug coffee in large amounts… it sucks. I guess that I will have to take the good with the bad right? I mean, from 11p to 4a isn’t bad… is it?

I am sick and tired of this bullshit though. BUT, but Raza did give me good news. I am fucking *finally* after waiting for what seems like an eternity saving up them shekels, I am getting the Ghost bed. My own damn bed. Maybe, just maybe this will fix the sleep thing??? 

10 days until I get my gift of a sub here. Can not bloody wait. Ugh.


Have a good day,

Your neighborhood Zombie Peach.

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November 18, 2021

I take melatonin when I’m frustrated with not being able to sleep. Usually, if it’s 17 or 18 hours and I’m still up, I take it.

November 18, 2021

@angel54 It wears out, at least for me it does.

November 18, 2021

Sleep is so important! You aren’t having coffee after 2 pm are you?

November 18, 2021

@bronner Usually in the morning, then after that, tea. 🙂 TY Bronner. <3

November 18, 2021

I also wake up super early, although in my case it’s around 1 in the morning.  Which means I go to bed in the afternoon, which…

Yay for the ghost bed!

November 18, 2021

@novembercirese Oy… yes indeedy!

November 18, 2021

How much do you take?

November 18, 2021

@heffay Just one pill. 🙁