you down wit o.p.p…….yeah you know me….

I can’t get that song out of my head for some reason………oh well.  Not alot has changed in the past month or so.

Chris still isn’t working, but we had a LONG talk about that on saturday night and came to the conclusion that we’re both just frustrated and stressed out about money and the only solution is him getting off his butt and getting a new job.  Unfortunately I don’t think the "lay off" from the other job is just a temporary thing.  He’s called them numerous times and there isn’t ever any work.  So fuck it.  I’m not mad at him I suppose just frustrated at the situation.  Oh well.

We had my grandpas 71st birthday party on sunday.  It was nice to see all the family, we all had a pretty good time just talking about old times and stuff.  It’s nice when everyone is in a good mood. 

I’m going back to school.  Kick ass.  I filled out my fasfa a couple of days ago and it came back today.  I’m eligible for aid and maybe even a pell grant.  Which would be super sweet if so, money I don’t have to pay back is always a plus.  I’m pretty sure I’m going to go for an associates in Office Administration.  I know it doesn’t sound like a big thing, but I could be a legal sec and make pretty good money in a laywers office.  Besides working in offices is all I’ve ever done.  I would go for Human services (social work), but they don’t really make crap for money and although it’d be nice to help people, it’d be nicer to be able to retire at a decent age.  I’m pretty excited about going back although it’ll only be for part time because I’ll still have to work.

Job is going alright.  My review is this month.  I’m hoping it’ll be a good one and I get a pretty good raise.  We really need the money.  Plus, it’d be nice.  Although my co-worker has been pissing me off lately and not doing a damn thing around the place but standing there and hoping work just magical gets done.  And it eventually does get done, just all by me.  It’s a little frustrating, but fuck it.  At least the days go quick when I’m busy.

I’m out~

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April 2, 2007

I hate it when people stand around doing nothing and you’re left covering their asses. Guess that makes you a magical fairy pixie if she thinks it all happens by magic. maybe you should go to work one day dressed as a fairy… give her the hint. he he 🙂 xo

April 3, 2007

Ugh you got that song stuck in my head as well!

April 3, 2007

Good Luck with all that Work Biz! Hopefully you get the Grant and the FASFA Sounds like a very noble career aspiration too. Me trying for Nursing. Best Wishes to you and yours

April 3, 2007

thanks for the note. ^_^ Good luck with going back to school. That’s awesome.

April 3, 2007
April 4, 2007

Hey hope things are going ok with ya. Nice to hear about you trying to get back to school…wise and smart move. Anywhom, I am off to see the wizard

thanks for the note the other day, I was so rude and never thanked you, things have been crazy with me….hey that’s awesome you’re going back to school…i just graduated in December at the age of 26, and let me tell you it was such a great feeling, that sense of accomplishment.

April 8, 2007

Yay for going back to school!! Good for you!