well smack my ass and call me sprinkles….

Not alot going on just got up from trying to sleep

Ok, have you guys seen the commercial for pedigree?  The one where the dogs are in the kennels and they’re like, “ I know how to sit, fetch, and roll over…what I don’t know is how I ended up here…I know that I am a good dog and all is want is to go home…”  Could they make you cry anymore?  I’ll admit I’m a bit hormonal this week, but that just made the sprinkle fest worse!!!  I’m sitting there watching tv and crying uncontrollably and Chris is like, you ok?? Lol  what a hot mess……..oh well


That along with the fact that it seems as though everyone is either pregnant or has a kid it’s kind of getting to me now a days.  I guess it’s just my clock ticking.  Weird.  Never thought I really wanted kids, but now I think about it a lot.  It’s not like we can afford it right now.  So I suppose it’s for the best.


My sister finally called on Sunday and she apologized for being an ass, which was nice and she actually came over to my house on Monday and we chilled for a bit until she had to go back to class.  It was nice.  I love her so much, but sometimes she can be such a pain in the ass.  I’m sure I can as well………hmmm….maybe just a little.  We’re supposed to go over to their house on Sunday for a super bowl party, should be some fun as long as everyone gets along.


Chris’s job is going well.  He says that he likes it a lot better than where he was working before so it’s been great.  He said that it’s a lot easier as well.  He went to fill out the paperwork on Monday and started that day.  He did however forget to ask what he is getting paid…I was like WTF???  That’s pretty much the most important thing right now and he forgot.  Oh well I guess we’ll be surprised when he gets paid next week right?  Ohhh, he gets paid every week, which will be nice for the budget!!


Anyway there isn’t a lot to report right now and it’s kind of late, although I can’t sleep so fuck it.  I hate worrying about things…it just keeps me up at night and gets me all stressed out.  Not worth it, but I just can’t help myself.  Alright, well I’m off to take some Tylenol PM and see if that gets me anywhere.  Night.

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February 1, 2007

LOL @ The title. I haven’t had a chance to read it b/c Ive got to go to work before this major snow shit hits.

February 1, 2007

yes the commercial makes me want to cry too.

February 1, 2007

I haven’t seen that commercial, but we were talking about it the other day, and just hearing my friend tell me about it, I watered up!!! hahahaha! 🙂

February 3, 2007

Worrying. The food of the somnabulist. Sometimes I have that problem too. I wonder if its genetic?

February 4, 2007

The last refuge of the insomniac is a sense of superiority to the sleeping world. — Leonard Cohen O sleep, O gentle sleep, nature’s soft nurse, how have I frightened thee, that thou no more wilt weigh my eye-lids down and steep my senses in forgetfulness? — William Shakespeare I hear you. Perhaps sleep comes to the just or the innocent, being neither m’self, I find it a tasksalved only by reading and writing what passes for thoughts here, I wish you well and sleep find you swift, R

Thank you for your kind note. Much appreciated. Hope you don’t mind that I added you to my faves. So if you’re really looking to fall asleep, you can read some of my other entries. LOL. I practically live on Tylenol PM. I should take stock in the company. Oh well, thanks again, have a great night.

February 4, 2007

RYN: Thanks for your note.

February 4, 2007


February 5, 2007

ryn rmn: anytime 🙂

February 5, 2007

Hey there..Sorry about the long time. I will try to udate daily..Lol Maybe. Anywhom, glad things are going good for you. Good deal on your husband getting a job. The Colts won..and well I guess that is good. I was asleep by the 3rd quarter..Oh well. Will anybody remember it past tomorrow?? And yeah..the Rumble was kick ass. Alright, we will talk to you later~~

February 7, 2007


That commercial breaks my heart. I am such an animal lover and that just kills me. I want to take them all home with me. I can’t watch it anymore because it really gets to me. Thank you for the note, by the way. I am feeling a little better today. Some days just suck sometimes.

February 7, 2007
