Throwin’ in the sweeper….

Ok, so this weekend wasn’t too bad…I had to work on Saturday which sucked, but oh well.  That night I went to see Bewitched with my mom and it was a cute movie, I wouldn’t say it’s a must see, but it was alright. 

Today was alright.  My husband and I went to look at an apartment at 2:30 and the apartment was great.  I loved it!!! So we talked to the leasing office girl and filled out all the application crap and she ran it.  I told her that our credit wasn’t the greatest and she said that we probably would still be accepted.  It was and we were excepted with one stipulation that we pay a months rent plus the deposit and the first months rent, which was fine……..BUT…..

And this is a big but….

They ran a background check…and mine came back clean which was no surprise, but my husbands…not so clean….of course we knew that, but I didn’t know it could keep you from getting an apartment….*sigh*

Ya’ll should have seen the look on his face when she told us that because of that we’d been rejected.  He wants so badly to move out of this crappy apartment and to show me that we can have something nice.  It was sad…on the other hand I was kind of mad at him as well as felt sorry for him.  Oh well there will be other apartments…I hope…

I told him that it would be alright and everything because he kept acting all crappy and defensive which I understand.  He was fine for awhile.  Then we came home from my parents house and he started cleaning.  The belt on the vaccum broke.  Which I had told him before not to sweep off the couch coverings with the sweeper hose because it took too long and the sweeper kept overheating.  But did he listen…..NOOOOO…..and the belt broke while he was doing it tonight and he got all pissy and annoying.  He kept trying to fix it and finally after about 20 minutes of hearing him bitching I told him to just stop and put it away.  So he threw it across the living room and broke it the rest of the way just to show how much of an asshole he can be I guess.  I don’t know what his problem is sometimes,  he just acts like such a 4 year old.  I feel like I’m married to a child.  The temper is getting old and I’m starting to lose my patience with the baby like outbursts.  Everyone gets angry, but you have to learn out to deal with it in other ways than acting like you have no sense.  ***mumble mumble, grumble grumble…asshole….dick head…..*** ahh that feels better….:-)…

Then after all that agruing I told him that he should probably not try to fix the appliances when they break because they always just get worse…He got mad about that told me that if I think everything he touches turns to shit then whats my excuse??? I asked him what he meant, and he said well I touch you and you were shit a long time before I touched you…that was hurtful…so I don’t know I haven’t really talked to him since.  Oh well…I figure he’s just upset for being a fuck up a long time ago in life and it’s affecting us in the now with the apartment situation.  I don’t know….alright….

I’m out~megs

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June 27, 2005

i hope things work out for you 2 with an appartment. ryn: yea she is a mindf*cker, but he cant see that. *sigh* ~

June 27, 2005

its a guy thing when they think they can fix appliancesand then they work for a minute and then never work againmy dad is the same =)people think girls are pissywell i say just wait til the move in with a guy!i hope you get an apartment soonbecause looking for one sucksx

June 27, 2005

*hugs* I’m sorry that your husband is being like that, a jerk and really mean and more than that just a plain asshole. It seems like you are so stressed right now, more than you let on because of what’s going on with your husband and the fact that things are really hard for you. Which is really understandable. I really hope that you can find that nice apartment that ya’ll want and can ..

June 27, 2005

.. afford. I wish there was something more that I could say about it or do something, but I’m no magician. Unfortuantely. 🙁 I want to see “Bewitched”. I totally grew up on the show and I absolutely love it so I am dying to see it – though I know it’s not like the show. I hope things are getting better for you and today’s a better day. 🙂 Neil

June 27, 2005

ryn: yea but just cuz he aint talkin bout her doesnt mean he isnt thinking about her. i duno. maybe i’m just analysing too much. like u say…us women are like that. ~

June 27, 2005

RYN: Yeah, thinking slow dosen’t really get you anywhere anytime soon..LoL. By the way, thanks for reading my stuff. There for a while, I thought I was the only one. As to what you husband did to the cleaner. Well tis a guy thing. We figure tis already broken, and since we have an ego to fix things, when we can’t fix them, well we just break them into smaller pieces just to make us feel good. LoL

June 28, 2005

My friend (and ex-roomie) has a temper like that…when he’s mad, he’s mad at everything…I can compartmentalize my anger and point it in the right direction lol…anyways, sorry he is being a d!ck to you…