They were talkin’ shit about you….


Deez nuts!

I don’t know why but that just makes me laugh……..

What up…

It’s been awhile since I’ve written anything. Not alot has really happened, but I’m still going to write.

Work is about the same. I’m supposed to have my review this month, whoo! I’ve been there for 5 years on the 16th. I can’t really tell if I’m excited about that or just unsure about where the last 5 years of my life have went. I’m sure I’ll make up my mind eventually. I don’t feel like it’s been a waste at all, it’s just not what I want to do for the rest of my life that’s all.

Anyone doing anything exciting for Easter weekend? We’re doing the usual family dinner on Sunday with my parents and family. It’s going to be a little bittersweet this year. My step-g’ma passed away on Tuesday and my other g’ma is in the nursing home this year. It’s going to feel like something is missing. But I know that my step-g’ma is in a better place now and not in pain. With her husband and son and finally happy. As far as my other g’ma I know that she’s sitting in a nursing home bed alone and just wants to go home. She’s had a hell of a year with a hip replacement gone wrong surgery. She’s had 3 surgeries in the past year and still ended up without a hip and not able to walk for the rest of her life. She’s only going to be 68 this year. I remember her being so full of life and laughs, and now when I go to visit her I don’t see the same zest for life that I used to. I know that part of that is the stroke and she gets frustrated trying to find the words that never come, but it’s just upsetting.

Chris is good, still no job, but only 4 months until school is done! We are both so excited about that. I feel like this is really what he is supposed to be doing in his life, and he loves it. Hopefully things will work themselves out. We’ve been in a weird place in our relationship, I feel kind of at a stand still. Does that make sense? Maybe not. We go out and do things now which is a change from a year ago when all we did was stay in the house and mope. It’s just the lack of intimacy and romance that I miss, but I suppose that just comes along with being together so long and seeing eachother every day, ya know?

We are thinking about buying a house this year and this would really be the year to do it with the $8000 that you get from the govt. The thing is is that my credit isn’t wonderful and his credit is for shit because of the back child support that he owes. So it may not be a possibility this year, however we are going to get out of the current house that we are in because it’s a POS. The basement leaks which causes mold to grow and the landlord won’t do anything about it. We wind up going down there with bleach and cleaning it up ourselves every freakin’ time it rains. It’s so annoying. When we moved in the door to our bedroom was missing because the former tenants apparently got into a fight and tore it down. She said she’d replace it and 5 years later here we are with no door. Go figure. The front door doesn’t even fit into the frame and when we asked to replace it she said we could replace if we wanted to, but she wasn’t going to. Which doesn’t make sense since it isn’t really secure. Not to mention that the intake vent to the heat is right there and it makes the heating bill (gas) outrageous. THEN she said we were on the budget plan for the utilities and not the get them in our name because it would screw that up for her and her other rentals. We agreed at the time, but for the past year or so our bills have fluctuated and been so high that finally I had Chris ask what was going on and if we could see the bills. She said that she wasn’t on the budget plan anymore because she got behind on the payments and it turns out that we’ve been paying late fees for her even though we pay on time. SHADY LADY! So we are out as soon as possible. Probably when Chris gets done with school.

In other news my cat fuzzels seems to be ill. Not really sure what is going on she’s just really lethargic. She did go into heat which we were hoping to avoid since she and her sister both have appointment on the 20th to get fixed!! But all of the sudden she just got really anti-social and was hiding all day yesterday. So weird for her since she’s always wanted petted and everything. She finally came out today and is on the couch and Chris said that she had a little bit to eat and drink. She’s still cleaning herself so that’s a good sign, but if she’s not acting any better by Monday I’ll take her to the vet. It’s amazing how attached I get to my animals. But she and her sister are special to me because I’ve had them since they were 3 1/2 weeks old. I had to bottle feed them and I don’t….they’re just special. SEE 🙂 Fuzzels on the left and Peeka Boo on the right.

My sister graduates to be a RN in 4 weeks! I’m excited/jealous for/of her. I know that she’s worked really hard for the past 3 years, but I want to be in/done with college as well. Oh well. My mom and I are going to be planning her open house so that should be fun. I need to get to the party store and get some decorations and stuff for my mom’s house. I’m not really sure what to decorate with yet….I need a theme…any suggestions?

Well for someone who didn’t have alot to right about I really went on didn’t I?

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April 10, 2009

RYN: Thanks for your note, and yeah maybe you’re right about it all being aimless and random.