short little lives….

It’s the start of my 4 day weekend from work….an awful start….

I work at a beauty college at the front desk, but it’s so much more than just an administrative job….I spend alot of time with the students….who are adults themselves so it’s really easy to get along with them and just have fun b/c most of them are close to my age.  Unfortunately it makes it really difficult when something bad happens….One of our students passed away late last night.  He really was a great person, really funny, always willing to do what he needed to and would do anything for anyone.  He was having a tough time almost the entire time he was with us.  He just wasn’t healthy….broke out into rashes, always seemed to have a constant cold…you know things like that.  Well he got pneumonia about 3 weeks ago and had to go into the hospital.  Then we asked ourselves…how do you get that sick in the middle of the spring/summer season when you’re so young???  I think we all know how…no immune system…really skinny….rash….always seemed sick….I don’t want to write it.  That’s silly isn’t it….I just don’t wanna.  One of my co workers called me this morning with the news…it just puts things into perspective…my problems are shit…not really worth talking about or worrying about.  I’m still alive and I have that to be thankful for.  He was in his early twenties and *sigh*  I’m going to miss him he was a really great person….

I don’t really have alot to talk about right now…nothing in my mind I suppose. 

I’m out~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~megs

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June 10, 2005


ryn: did you leave me a note or just your name? and sorry about that kid who died. that’s rough.

June 10, 2005

Ahhhhh, words are too small and curly to read efficiently! lol. I’m a speed reader and get bored if I can’t get through fast enought…*giggles* Thanks for your note.

It’s sad that it takes something like that to put things in perspective for us. But it does.

June 12, 2005

that’s so sad.

June 13, 2005

When I was in cosmetology school, a classmate of mine died. It was the first time someone remotely close to me passed away and was so sudden, I was absolutely dumbfounded. Makes you realize how fragile this all is. RYN: I’m starting to feel that pre-wedding stress. The past few months, it was like “oh I’ve got aaalll the time in the world” and now I’m suddenly freaking out about it all 🙂

June 13, 2005

One of my friends has the same thing wrong with him…not as advanced yet, but it still worries me…