Quit farting on me you old b*tch!!!!!!!!!!

Damn…………I’m getting old……………

I turn 25 in a week or so…….suck ass…….Anyway I just got home from work which we really boring and hectic all at the same time today.  I had to work with……we’ll call her "Bitchass" and she sucks definite donkey ass.  If she isn’t bitching about what you’re doing wrong she’s going off on one of her "nobody understands me and why can’t we just get everything right all the time" deals.  It pisses me off.  No one is perfect and sometimes I just want to smack her upside the freakin’ head.  I know that she’s the manager at the desk but that doesn’t mean that everyone else is a peice of shit that works with her.  She’s REALLY anal about everything and if you fuck up she’s the first to tell you about it and how much of an inconveience it is.  Plus she’s gassy and damn if she doesn’t just let it fly on who ever is around.  I find this to be less that appealing.  It’s disgusting, I mean really how just rips a peice off on someone and know it smells like ripe ass and just continues on with what they’re doing as if nothing happened.  I mean you could at least say excuse me or something.  One of these days I’m just going to buy her some fucking beano and tell her to either take it orally or shove it up where the sun doesn’t shine.  Today she was just in one of her moods and unfortunatley I was the target.  She even reached across the counter, grabbed one of the clients and while shaking them yelled…….I was like what the fuck the lady is like 80 leave her alone????  And yet, no one ever says anything to her about how unprofessional she is. 

Whoo…….that felt good to get out……:-)  Sometimes you just need to vent!!!!  

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June 3, 2005

venting is good. keeps you sane. thats gross, she should really do something about the gas. thats just not nice!

June 6, 2005

Crazy…I used to fart on ppl when I worked at Dillard’s…I would walk by in my suit and “crop dust” them lol…okay, probably not as funny for you since you get farted on…

OMG .. too funny. Well I know one thing .. she wasnt a single guy. *winks* Have fun …