Over it, In-laws, and Makin’ love on a blow up bed

Ok, so forgetting my birthday probably won’t be the worst thing my husband ever does so I’m over it now lol.  Plus lets face it that was a pretty big in for getting what I want for awhile 🙂  That and the fact that basically my entire weekend was my birthday with my family so when I start complaing next year ya’ll have my complete permission to kick me in my ass. 

I need to quit smoking…..(as I sit with one lit)….it’s an awful habit.  That aside I do enjoy it for some reason although I should fine something else to do when I get frustrated or angry.  I suppose it’s my outlet, but I need to deal with all that in a different way. 

In other news we’re 2 weeks away from the big In-laws trip.  He’s excited to see his mommy.  She’s a nice person, just most of the time she’s not really that excited to see him.  Everytime he calls she’s always too busy to talk to him and gets off the phone in like a minute.  It’s an odd relantionship they have.  He loves her to death and she acts as if she could care less about him.  She didn’t even raise him and only saw him during summer vacations.  He lived with his grandma and dad(when his dad wasn’t running off to another state and being drunk).  The entire reason his mom left his dad was because he was a drunk and she sent her son to live with him????  I was baffled.  When she talks to me about his dad it’s all bad stuff about how he was abusive and how he cheated on her and he was never around because he was always running off.  This is who you send your son to live with when he’s 8???  I don’t know…she doesn’t even call or send him a birthday card…it’s weird to me.  I don’t say anything to him because well that his mom and it’s for the best not to say anything remotely bad about someones parents. 

So as you can tell I’m really not that excited about going to Illinois to sleep on an air matress….is that  bitchy?  I suggested we go to a hotel at least one of the three days and he said that I was just being too girly and I should be able to tough it out for him at least.  I guess he’s somewhat right, but still.  How much action am I gonna get at his moms house on a blow up raft???? Yeah that would be descret right?? yeah baby ***sqeak sqeak***…so much for 4th of July nookie. lol

Alright well I’m out~megs

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June 20, 2005

Yeah, smoking isn’t too good. But I am not one to judge. I thought that maybe OD was the outlet to peoples problems. Maybe I am wrong on that, don’t know. If I may suggest something, maybe a little body oil or whip cream could keep the sqeak sqeak to a low…Just a thought~~~

June 20, 2005

LMAO. Could be fun. It may lead to breakfast convo’s like this. “I heard a lot of squeaking last night.” *Funny look*. “That’s weird so did I. Maybe you have rats.” *snicker*

June 21, 2005

oh man i hate staying at other peoples – even my own parents with a guybut hey, you’re married do what you wantand yes cuz he forgot your birthday thats heaps of blackmail material for you x

June 21, 2005
June 21, 2005

RYN: Well in that case, then a hotel room would be the way to go~~ That way, you can just make all the mess you want, and don’t have to worry about cleaning it up..LoL. Funny, how many people, whom I tell the joke too, seem to say somewhere before the end, xactly what you were thinking…But tis the truth though.~~

June 22, 2005

Yeah, sleeping on an air mattress at his parents’ house would suck…maybe you could do it in a park or something! lol…and it took bronchitis to get me to quit smoking!