Moving, Mom, and Fatty McButter Pants….

It’s been awhile….we  move in 4 days…***AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH****

We went up this past weekend to clean the house top to bottom…I hate cleaning we all know this right…so to clean a bigger space than what I’m in now really didn’t excite me that much…although it looks alot better…Everything is coming together nicely I think…

I hate moving…so much crap to pack and here I sit on the computer…I’m so motivated lol  Things are going alright at work, our reviews are this week and I’m a tad bit nervous just because I have some stuff that I want to talk to the big man about and I’m not sure how to bring up the subjects…Like I want 40 hours back because that is what I was hired in at, but I need to say it in a not so crappy way…I know that my bosses review isn’t going to be a good one and she’s probably in for a world of trouble because they’ve recommened that she not be at the front desk anymore…she puts her hands on client and the students and that’s just a lawsuit waiting to happen for all of us.  I didn’t know however that everyone could be sued for her stupidity…not just the owner but staff as well…I don’t want that kind of liability and I’m sure the owner doesn’t either…

We stopped over at my parents last night on our way home from my sisters…and yes I told her finally that we are moving…she took it alot better than what I thought she would, although she did voice some of her concerns about the situation…is it just sad that I still care what my mother thinks???  I think so…she did have some valid points though…she’s mostly afraid that my sister will take advantage of me like she has in past.  I understand this concern…but I feel like my sister and I have grown up since that…she did leave me high and dry when we lived together to pay the deposit on the apartment and it was a heavy one because of the damange that her pets did to the apartment.  And yes, she did ask for money because she couldn’t keep track of hers and she spent it on things that she didn’t need, but she was with her ex who didn’t want to work and chose to just lay around and do nothing…she’s not with that kind of person anymore, so she’s alot different…I don’t know my mom said I have to lose my "marshmellow" complex…I’m too nice as she ALWAYS says…*sigh*…I just never knew there was such a thing but apparently there is and even at work people tell me I need to learn how to stand up for myself because otherwise people walk all over me…I let them…I just figure maybe that person is having a bad time or day and why not just let them vent because maybe they need it…

I’m a wuss………………………………………………………..

Oh well, I am who I am….soft heart and all….

***RANDOM THOUGHT***  I was watching King of Queens the other day and it was hilarious…I love that show…they were talking about his weight and he said one time at the bank while he was in line someone called him fatty mcbutter pants…I never laughed so hard….good times…***END RANDOM THOUGHT***

Today I feel…..Like there isn’t enough time in the day!!!!!

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August 15, 2005

Woohoo for moving soon, but I agree, moving sucks butt. I hate moving. With a passion. Ugh. Fatty Mcbutter Pants? lol. Ummmm. Next time I see a chunky person, I’ll have to remember to call them that. Ha. JUST KIDDING! haha. *smiles* Take care!

August 16, 2005

i’m moving in 4 days too. i must say, i am not motivated. i am excited about going, but i hate packing. and even worse, i hate unpacking. i’m not going far though so it’s not a huge deal. happy traveling to you!

August 16, 2005

eugh, moving sucks-waaaaay too much hassle for my liking. But hey, it’ll all be worth it in the end. Dont worry, i am a wuss too!

August 19, 2005

RYN: I used to have fingerprints before using that damn tape. Now they’re just bloody nubs. I think if I ever change my OD name I may use Fatty Mcbutter Pants. BUT, if Tinkie ever calls a hefty person that I swear I’ll never note her again!!!

August 21, 2005

i love watching the king of queens& have a happy moving day!

August 21, 2005

i didnt expect any comments… wow.. i use livejournal now…

September 26, 2005

where ever you are…you’ve been gone a long time.