like an angry beaver gnawing on your wood

Just puttering around that house and I thought I’d sit down and write for a minute.

Yesterday my mom had a birthday get together for Chris.  His bday is tomorrow. Whoo the big 34. So my sister stopped by and picked us up and we headed over to my mothers.  He had been a crappy mood that Saturday night/early Sunday morning.  We had that fight and the we went to bed.  I tried to talk to him, but he was having no part of it.  Oh well.

He didn’t really wake up in that great of a mood.  So I knew it was going to be a great day.  My sister had to stop by the store and cash in her change at the coinstar machine.  So we all went inside and started putting change in and Chris was being an ass anyway.  He kept saying little shit to piss people off.  At this point I can’t even remember what he said to piss me off enough to go out to the car and sit, but it wasn’t nice I know that.  I really didn’t talk to him the rest of the way to my mothers.  I hate having to go somewhere with him when he’s acting like that. Once we got to my mom’s he was being all lovey and fake.  He asked me if I was ever going to forgive him.  And I asked him if he was ever going to treat me right?  He just stood there staring for a minute and replied with a yes. 

————————————————————————-We’ll see—————————————–

I didn’t understand what the fuck was going on with him.  Why was he so angry?  Halfway through dinner he let it out that his mom was going to go see his daughter yesterday.  For her birthday.  See I had wondered why he wasn’t be such a dick on her bday this year.  I just figured he was coping and getting over some shit.  I was wrong.  It was because no one had brought it up yet. 

He had called his mom on mother’s day and she let him know that she was going to visit.  Which is great, we had already sent her card and present and all that.  She just wanted to know if there was anything else she could take for him.  Every since then he has been being a dick.    So I guess that explains the comment on Saturday night.  It doesn’t excuse it, but it explains it.

We tried to talk when we got home last night.  But he had stressed himself out so much that he was feeling sick and puked.  He always stresses himself out like that.  He needs to get a grip on this part of his life.  He lets it control him too much.  And it affects us. Not just him.  Our relationship suffers because of this aspect of his life that he won’t take control of.


Moving on….

I got up this morning around 8:30 because my sister said she’d be stopping by early this morning.  I started some laundry and picked up around the house.  My desk was a mess with papers I couldn’t even see the top of it.  Sent out Chris’s $135.00 speeding ticket…kinda pissed me off.  Gave the dog a bath, which he was extremely happy about…lol I kept getting the"Why are you doing this to me?" look.  I still have to sweep and do the litter boxes….yuck that’s my least favorite….bleh.  I wish they’d use the toilet…lol

My sister didn’t get over here until about 11:30, I was like early huh?  She has class at one so she’s already gone.  Oh well.  She’s coming back after so that’s cool.  And I’m babbling now so I’m going to go.

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May 21, 2007

Hahahaha, I wish the cats would use the toilet too. But it’s nice to not have to take them outside to pee. My puppy got a bath yesterday too, he didn’t like his either! 🙂

May 21, 2007

*response to your note* yea it was crazy, the club was small and i was only about 10 feet away from him when he was on stage. but when he said he would mingle i figured he wouold just walk through and shake hands, but no he stopped and talked to everyone that wanted to talk to him. it was cool to see somone famous take the time to treat their fans like that. i still cant believe i met him. lol

May 21, 2007