like a fat cat trying to reach his ball sack…

Not really sure about the title…I just felt like it I guess…Ok so it’s been a long time and I’m not sure alot has happened, but I’ll tell you what has…

First of we found a lawyer for the jail situation, and fortunately it’s going to be a year and a half probation and that’s it then it’ll be over with.  Not that probation is a great thing, but in the long run it’s been that jail time right?

To go along with the stress of the court dates, my husband decided to mix things up a bit and wreck the new car we had just gotten…it was just fucking wonderful…he claims that he just lost control of the car because he had rained that day and it was still a bit wet…hmmm…ok but it had rained like 9 hours ago that day and had been sunny every since…but lets run with that story…thank god he didn’t hit anyone else, although hitting a big ass boulder wasn’t very good for the front end that for damn sure.  Both air bags deployed breaking the windshield and the left front of the car is caved in…in short undrivable, so now I get to make car payments on something I can’t drive and because of the car payments I don’t have enough money to fix…hmm…I do believe I’m still a little bitter over this, what do you think? lol

Anyway, after we got over that…we’re lucky enough that his boss lent us $1,000 to buy a "to get us by" car and that’s just what it did too..b/c this past friday, about a month after we got it, it bit the dust.  Isn’t life grand??  So that was totally pissing me off…here we are on the side of the interstate car smoking…a great way to start off the weekend…turns out the head gasket blew…we totally got screwed on that deal…oh well…Chris’s stepdad is going to buy it from us though, he know small town crap…so he’s going to come down next weekend and get it…takes care of that problem…the only other one was…how are we getting to work with 3 broken down cars…have to fix one right…so we opted to fix the pick-up truck seeing as it would be the least expensive…it only cost about $80 to replace the breakline so that was good…hopefully it’ll last more than a month.

Enough car shit…on to work…well my biatch of a supv. has finally gotten herself in trouble…it’s lovely…I know I’m a bitch..oh well…but she deserves what she gets…she’s a cranky hobbit of a woman who farts on me without warning, I mean c’mon sometimes I have my mouth open and that’s not what I want to get a mouth full of…bleh…She’ll probably get fired sometime this week, which is ok…I hope I get her job…I’ll be rolling in the fat cash…

I’m getting ready to start classes this fall for college…It’s sad I know I’m going to be 26 on saturday and I haven’t even finished with college…oh well…I think I’m going to take paralegal courses…it’ll take about 3 years because I’ll have to go part time with working and all, but that’s alright…plus it’s all distance, I can take almost every course online…which will work with my schedule too…

Other than that, not a whole lot has been happening…so…today I feel…..

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June 12, 2006

Thanx for stopping by my journal. Sorry about all your car misfortunes:(

June 12, 2006

ryn: yeah, it sucks , but it happens. Except me! I NEVER cry. Okay that was a big fat lie.

Thanks for the note. I promise I’ll have the goodness up as soon as possible to take your mind off your car woes.

June 12, 2006

shitty, hope it all gets better

June 12, 2006

Ugh! What horrible luck! Cars (when they break down) are probably the most stressful things ever. But YAY for your boss hopefully getting fired! 🙂 hehe.

June 13, 2006

I laughed and laughed at the title.

June 14, 2006

“Worste than some, Better than others.” Sounds like your life is a real roller coaster. I guess hang in there is over rated, and sunlight after the storm is also. So therefore I will say neither. Hope things get better, which I am sure they will, and thanks for stopping by and keeping me in line…LoL. You seem like a great girl, and one day you will get yours…Take care and till then….

June 19, 2006

Sounds like my life. About the colege thing, I know how you feel. Im 25 soon to be 26 and haven’t even STARTED! I have 3 kids, which are part of the reason I havent started, but more so all the reason I should have. about the car, we paid 2000 to have the transmission fixed..then it was stollen! Cops got it back a week later all kinds ashit wrong with it. Although still drivable for the most part.

September 17, 2006

Geez, all the car problems you’ve had!!!! Crazy!

September 17, 2006

Gah? My fav list said this was a new entry? WEIRD!!!!!

September 19, 2006