just call me stupid bitch in the morning baby….

Alright, so it wasn’t a banner weekend and it hasn’t been a great week either.

I had to work on saturday which wasn’t bad in fact I kind of enjoyed it because I got to work with the co worker that actually helps out.  Then Chris came to pick me up and had this great idea that we should go to Rent a center and try to get a new computer.  I didn’t really want to because you end up paying way more than the damn thing is worth.  Why not just save up the money and buy it?  But, he was in one of his "wonderful" mood so I decided it would be better just to go along with it instead of getting screamed at.  So we got there and it’s close to their closing time so no one really wanted to help us which was annoying and after 20 minutes of standing there with the application I was getting pissed off so I left.  Chris was apologizing because they were assholes.  I wasn’t mad at him but apparently he felt bad. 

So we got over that stupidity and the night was alright.  Then sunday came and I could just tell that he had woken up in a bad mood.  Fuck.  Fuck.  Fuck.  Never a good sign.  So I fixed his coffee and got his cereal thinking that it would brighten his day a bit.  No.  Then was watching some stupid ass racing shit and that still didn’t do it.  So I came into the office to just do bills and what not thinking that maybe he would fall asleep and then wake up in a better mood.  Never happened.  So, I went back in the bedroom and he was all wanting to cuddle so I thought oh good he’s in a better mood now.  So yeah I gave it up.  Got in the shower, left it on for him and he got in.  We were headed over to my sisters for a super bowl party.  I was talking to him while he was in the shower.  He said he needed to stop and get some cigs before we went over and I was like oh ok, well we can get the money orders while we’re at the gas station then….apparently that was a bad idea and I’m not sure how we got there, but all of the sudden I was a stupid bitch, and a fat bitch, and a dumbass who never listens…I just thought we’d get everything out of the way while we were there.  Guess not.  Never got an apology for that.

So we went over to my sisters and I tried to have a good time, but it was still bothering me.  Oh well.  Got home after and ready for bed.  That was that.  Monday morning was just fucking wonderful.  Apparently the local kiddie fuckers around here have a great idea of shooting out your window with bb’s.  So they did sunday night, which made chris have to call and tell his new boss that he’d be late.  I admit I was a bit mad, because I don’t want him to lose this job like he did his last.  He would always call in at his last job, he makes me nervous.  So he was like what do you want me to do drive with no window?  I said no because it was too cold, but I just don’t want you to make a habit out of calling in.  Well, that pissed him off and then the slew of naming calling began.  It was wonderful, I didn’t even know he had that many words in his vocabulary.  Then he calms down after about 15 minutes and I’m just sitting there like WTF?? Because I’ve made a really big effort not to call him names…it’s just not right.  Makes the other person feel terrible.  So for the past couple of months I’ve been holding in the "assholes", the "stupids", the "dickheads", let me tell ya, I felt like I was going to fucking explode!!!  Again, no apology.  He goes off to get a peice of plastic from lowes and that’s that. 

Well my stomach has been fucked for awhile now.  But it’s new trick now is to burn constantly.  It’s great.  I’ve tried tums, maalox, milk, ice cream, soda water…anything.  Not working.  To be honest I’m a little concerned at this point.  I’ve always had heartburn of some kind especially when I’m upset, but this isn’t heart burn.  Everytime I eat it gets worse and if I don’t eat it still burns.  So, fuck it. 

Ok, I’m out~

Log in to write a note

I hope you’ll be ok. My prayers are with YOU.

February 8, 2007

Thanks for the heads up. Maybe an ulcer…. Later.

February 8, 2007

hey was it u who sent me the annonymous msg? because i saw u had left a note with just ur name.. x

February 8, 2007

definitely get your stomach checked out, honey. not good. i don’t like that your hubby calls you all those names. of course, i know nada abour your relationship and all the good times, but it isn’t nice. i hope things start to look up, hon. thank you for the note 🙂

February 8, 2007

sounds like an ulcer. Get that checked ASAP because it could lead to internal bleeding. *hugs* Hope things get better.

February 9, 2007

symptoms sound familiar…sounds like an ulcer. Easily treatable and nothing to be concerned about. A trip to the doctor is in order though. Take care

February 9, 2007

I would have started slamming those words right back into his face. I don’t take to well to name calling.

February 9, 2007

hey aww thanks lol its so small but i have really started to notice it gettin bigger now, thanks again, all the best x

February 9, 2007

sounds like you have a ucler. Holding in all that stress can cause an ucler and those aren’t something to play with. Sorry you had a bad day. RYN: Yeah she was more like a rotten peach. I hope I feel better sooner too.

February 9, 2007

RYN: Oh it was definitely good and definitely worth it… but ya it was really odd and just kinda idk like I said it seemed like I was in a movie for a second lol.

February 11, 2007

How you put up with that shit….There’s no way I wouldn’t lose it and start laying into him… Get to the doctor, little lady!

February 12, 2007
February 13, 2007

yeah sounds like an ulcer to me… I hate that you have to deal with that shit…

February 18, 2007

you know, i have been having some sort of burning/stomach pains lately as well, and I have also had no luck with tums or anything. I got all OCD and looked up a bunch of stuff (I work on a cancer floor, I am scared of everything now) and I didn;t really get very far. :S My only potential lead is an ulcer, but even then I am not too sure. We need to get ourselves checked out, I think. Bleh…