I’m about to stick a foot up your ass!!!!!!!!

Somtimes things are just confusing…

I’m glad that Chris found a job so that’s going well, and I’m happy that he’s not in a crappy mood anymore.  So things there are good, the job is good and life in general is alright.

I just feel bleh today for some reason.  Anyone ever just feel like no matter what is going right you’re just sitting there wondering what is going to go wrong? 

And now time for a rant:

My sister, yesterday I asked her if she would take Chris up to get the tire changed on the truck and make a trip to Indy so that he could fill out some forms that have to be done before he starts his job on Monday.  She said, "yeah no problem", well I called her tonight just to confirm the plans for the morning and she was all like, "Oh, no I can’t do that anymore, I told "s"(her g/f) that I’d watch her nephews kids tomorrow afternoon, sorry".  Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr…………WTF?  Why did you agree in the first place then, and she replied, "Well I didn’t know that they’d need someone to watch the kids until this afternoon"….Ok………….whatever………then she was all, " I hope you’re not mad".  What a dumbass, of course I’m pissed you made plans and then just said fuck it without even caring.  It’s getting old.  Sometimes I think the only reason she wanted me to move to this crap ass town was just in case something in her relationship went bad that she’d have somewhere to go.  I know that sounds terrible, but she lives with two old snatches who sleep all the time and act like they’re fucking 80 years old.  One is my mothers age 50 and the other is only lik 43 and all they do every fucking weekend is sleep, it’s fucking weird.  One is so drugged up she can’t move and is in fucking coma and the other is just fucking lazy.  It’s just so weird to watch my sister adapt to their lifestyle.  She’s only 28 and she’s becoming an old lady. 

I suppose what really bothers me is that she always puts their families first.  She doesn’t even go visit my mom unless it’s for a birthday or christmas present.  It just seems as though she wants the money, but not to have to waste time on spending any amount of her life with her.  I’m so frustrated with the selfish shit ya know.  I’m willing and have done ALOT of shit for her, anytime she needs me I’m there.  But as soon as you need her she makes excuses as to why she can’t help you out.  God forbid if you actually get pissed off at her, because she’ll be the first to tell you that she doesn’t have to talk to you and it can go back to the way it was when she lived in Michigan and she didn’t have to see or talk to anyone and she’d be just fine with that.  When she said that shit I was like, "Didn’t you miss anyone a little", to which she replied, "yeah but if I drank enough I didn’t worry about it"…WTF………..

*DEEP BREATH*…………….damn that felt good…………….


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January 25, 2007

Wow. I guess what would irritate me the most was that she knew she couldn’t uphold the plans with you, but didn’t call to tell you that. *growls* You’d think that at 28, she’d be grown up enough to realize how selfish she’s being.

January 25, 2007

Nice to have a place to vent, eh? 🙂

January 25, 2007

“Anyone ever just feel like no matter what is going right you’re just sitting there wondering what is going to go wrong?” Yes! That’s exactly how I am, all the time. I irritate myself with it. Hope you feel better after getting that all out.

January 26, 2007

people like her don’t realize they are being selfish…and they don’t realize how important family is either. Believe me, I used to be just like her. The only thing you can do is treat her the same way she treats you. And someday she MIGHT realize what she’s done.

January 26, 2007

Interesting that if you didn’t call to confirm you wouldn’t have known that she was going to bail on you…. unless she called of course, but somehow that seems slightly unlikely. It’s obvious she has some problems, esp. with drinking (re your last line). Maybe a good kick in the bum will help?? :-p D xo

January 26, 2007

I hate when people don’t do things they say that they are going to do! poo!

January 30, 2007

Family can definitely suck sometimes. Maybe it’s best to just step back and not let them bother you?