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January 24, 2007

Just so you know, sprite just came out my nose. Congrats!

January 24, 2007

*giggles* Yay!


January 24, 2007

LOL Give it up girlfriend!

January 24, 2007

SHould I take a sign that says Hello Megan..I will be sitting in the front part, so the camara should see it..LoL. Anywhom just kidding..hoping things are going good for ya..Take care and I will tell you all about the rumble later…JP

January 24, 2007


January 24, 2007

lol RYN: Yeah she was something alright. For some reason though I found her completely adorable.

RYN: Thanks! I was nervous, but no as bad as last semester. And I am glad that he got a job! I know that you are relieved!

January 24, 2007

yaay. 🙂

January 24, 2007

RYN: Aw, thanks. That means a lot. Thanks for replying to my entry as well!

January 24, 2007

RYN: Thanks for the well wishes, I need them. Cudos to the hubby.. wish my ex were the same about getting work (he lazed for 8 of our 10 years or so together.). Hope you dont mind about the fave’s bit.. you seem interesting enough to read on a regular basis….

January 24, 2007

RYN: I think I’ll feel okay tomorrow. My heart settled a bit already 🙂 Good job on him getting another job so quickly!

January 25, 2007

good for him! and for you… if you decide to “give it up” thanks for the note… I LOVE LOVE LOVE RENT!

January 25, 2007

Oh thank you, yes he’s doing much better now. 🙂