hello this is a collect call from an inmate…..

Ok, so life is life….

It’s been pretty hectic for me the last couple of months and I’d really enjoy it if it just slowed down for awhile.  First off on Valentine’s day I’m sitting at work and thinking about how my hubby has planned a romantic evening for the both of us and I can’t wait until the day is over so we can get home and start it.  Then the phone rings at work and I answer it and on the other line "hello this is a collect for from an inmate……blah blah"…you get the point right?  So I’m freaking out because I can’t accept a collect call at work so I really have no idea what’s going on.  So, after my initial shock, I call my mother to come pick my up because Chris had the car (which got impounded) and I had no way home.  Nice really nice right…so after I stopped sobbing I started calling people to see if I could get him out of jail right…find out how to get the car back and such…without the money for either….it was a fun valentines day…just great….so it’s been non-stop fun with lawyers and judges and all that follows…fees and all that fun crap!

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wow, not quite the romantic plans you had dreamed of. hope all is well now…or as well as it can be.

April 7, 2006

I hope things have gotten better for you , Thank you for your comment .. I hope you have a good weekend . Take care


April 12, 2006


April 24, 2006

wow…what happened to get him in jail? I hope things get better. Maybe if he does get some help it’ll be better (I went back and read a couple older entries). *hugs*

April 24, 2006

man on man…sorry to hear about that..hope everything works out for ya’ll.

April 24, 2006


April 26, 2006

hey i am sarah read me spec my last entry