Good times…..Good times…..

Haven’t updated in awhile…..

This past weekend actually turned out to be a pretty good experience.  We didn’t get to his parents until late on Friday night so we didn’t really do anything but visit a bit and then got to bed.  Wow….do his parent get up REALLY early…I’m just not used to that.  They get up around 6:00 every morning even on the weekends….So we had a big breakfast….I’m not a breakfast fan….food in the morning is just really nasty….give me some water and a cig and let me wake up slowly lol.  Then his mother and I went shopping and that was a great time because I really like his mom she’s a nice person.  Although she does shop slowly… and I’m a go in a get it then leave kind of girl, but it was still nice.  While we did that my husband and his step dad went go-carting…they had fun so that was good as well.  Then we grilled out and his aunt and cousin came over….Sunday we did the same time in the morning except his mother and I stayed home while my husband and his step dad went out on the motorcycle for a ride and to do some guy stuff.  Then we went to the dirt track races in Lincoln….which I admit I thought at first would really suck because I’m not really into racing and all that crap very much and my husband and his family are completely obsessed with it….I went along with it…and I ended up having a great time…who knew loud cars and dirt could be so much fun :-)…We headed out on Monday and that was that….

Good times…..Good times…..

This week has been pretty uneventful…Nothin’ really at worked has changed.  Our reviews are coming up at the end of this month which is kind of a nerve racking.  Our boss is kind of scary.  He has a big temper and he’s not afraid to use it where anyone is concerned, there are many times in our monthly meetings when he just starts cussing at us.  It’s odd though because I’ve never had a boss like that you know…Anyway I hope it all goes well…get a raise and it out right…

****Random Thought****What is up with Cher’s, If I Could Turn Back Time video????  I mean I go out everyday in my fishnet suit with nothin’ but ribbon on my crotch and nips…Really who doesn’t???? What does that have to do with turning back time though….****End Random Thought****

Today I’m feeling…..Sexy….

cher - cher photos. pictures of cher

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July 11, 2005

Everyone should wear that all the time…and dirt track races are fun! lol…

August 11, 2005

Sounds like you have an intresting boss, just like I do…LoL. By the way, did you ever mention what it was that you did~~