Floatin’ Like A Dead Fish On Top Of The Pond……

Today was a pretty good day.  Not alot to mention.  Had to work 11-7(my step-dad gave me a ride in seeing as we replaced the thermostat in my car and it still doesn’t work).  On the way in he asked if we had gotten the new plates for the truck(we bought the truck from my mom and step-dad), and I told him not yet……See we had planned on taking Roger’s(husband’s best friend) car over to Illinois with us this weekendbecause it runs better and is more reliable, but to give him the truck to drive while we were gone.  But since we haven’t gotten the plates transferred over to our name from my step-dad’s name the plan seems to have a rift in it.  We don’t really have the money to get it plated before we go.  So I’m trying to think of some solution because my husband is really upset about the entire situation.  I understand my step-dad’s side, but then again it really sucks ass. I thought maybe we’d just let Roger take the truck anyway and not say anything, but I don’t want to lie to anyone ya know….oh well I shall continue to ponder this situation….

Work wasn’t very eventful today.  It was busy so that made the day go pretty fast.  It seems as though someone new has been hired in one of the departments so I’m trying to think of who is going to get fired.  He always seems to fire someone right before our yearly reviews.  I guess hiring someone in at a lower rate of pay is easier that giving someone a raise.  I don’t know I think it’s sort of shitty.  He did the same thing last year.  Oh well….I hope it’s not me, I don’t think it is seeing as it was a hire at the front desk. 

***Random Thought***The fresh prince of bel air is freakin’ funny….that Carlton makes me laugh we he bust out into a dance….good times….good times….:-)***End Random Thought***

That stupid apartment complex called us today and left a message that we were officially denied…like we needed more confirmation…assholes…and then at the end of the message they said we’d be getting a letter about it within the week….what the hell….ok we get it we’re not getting an apartment…damn we don’t need a freakin’ billboard about it…

I’m not bitter or anything thought *smiles*…..

I tried to cheer up my husband by making dinner again…I made one of his favorites(not one of mine) sloppy joes, mashed potatoes, and salad….although he said it was good and he ate plenty I don’t really think it made him feel better….So I ran him a bath thinking that might do it and I even made a pot of fresh coffee, but nothin’ seem to be working….I understand being upset because of the weekend plans not going as scheduled….I feel bad for him, he doesn’t have any family that lives close and no one really ever calls him….My family is right here like 20 mins away and I see them all the time…It would definitely suck if they lived in another state….

Today I feel………stressed……


I’m out~megs

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June 29, 2005

aw, that sucks about the appartment! a$$holes. dont give up though, keep trying cuz you’ll get somewhere eventually. 🙂 *yay fresh prince* Dont stress too much. It doesnt make any difference and only makes u feel worse. RYN: i nearly did punch her when we went out, it took all my strength (and my friends!!)to stop myself. she may not be so lucky next time. hehe ~

June 29, 2005

I’m sorry he couldn’t be cheered up…I get like that sometimes, too…I hope he feels better soon…and you are so sweet for doing all that to try to cheer him up…

June 29, 2005

Awww, you’re such a sweet wife…I’d be all like “Suck it up! Get over it.” But maybe I’m just mean? lol. I’m sorry about the apartment, that definitely sucks.

June 30, 2005

we -my folks and i- went for an apartmentwe didn’t get it butthe estate agents posted usthe details after it was soldouch! so i know how you feelx