Feelin’ mellow……

Well today wasn’t very eventful…I didn’t have to work which is always good, but not always very exciting…I slept in til’ about 10:00, got up and started cleaning a bit(bleh I hate cleaning) so I did that for awhile and then starting losing interest and went on to other things(I always procrastinate things I hate doing)…I’m not one of those people who like to do something just so they can get it out of the way….that’s always been very puzzeling to me…besides I’m good a procrastinateing I’ve been practicing my entire life…:-)

My husband got home around 4:00 and he was in a really good mood which was nice for a change…and he actually apologized for being an ass last night and for just being in a generally bad mood this week…said he was sorry for taking it out on me because it’s not my fault, he just get worried about bills and stuff…I said that’s cool, just remember I’m your wife and you can talk to me without yelling and getting upset…and that was that no long lecture like I usually do…which I’m sure he appreciated…I had started dinner about 1:00(fixed a pot roast with veggies in the crockpot) and it was about done which made him happy, that and the fact that I cleaned and made him a fresh pot of coffee that can get me pretty much anything I want…so we ate and then………………I got me some…………………..*big smiles*…lol

Now we are watching……………………..WWE…………….I know I know…..****looking at the people laughing****….I can’t help it although it really isn’t that great of a show it somehow captures my attention…..I mean the story lines are worse than any soap opera I’ve ever seen and yet I am in aww of the stupidity….lol

So in short this is how I feel today…

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I’m out~megs</p

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June 27, 2005

hey thanks for the note. rent sucks doesnt it??..lol i use to watch WWE long time back but its been forever since i watched it. yea hopefully one day we will both have money and then most of our stress will be gone. well mine will be anyhow=)

June 27, 2005

Thanks for the good wishes!

Heya, thanks for the note you left me and for understanding me. 🙂 I hope you have better days. Yeah I don’t like cleaning either. lol. WWE? Is that the wrstling show? I can’t remember becuase I don’t watch it very much. See you later! 🙂

I also forgot to mention,thanks for pointing out the spelling errors. lol. I sometimes have bad spelling! Sometimes it can be really good.

Thanks for replying again, don’t worry about it, I don’t know anyone who spells perfectly. 🙂 Unless they used a spelling check! 😉

June 27, 2005

*giggling* I don’t know, you probably couldn’t beat me at Procrastinating. I love procrastinating. It’s my favorite interest in the world. I would probably mention that in my Sociology paper (the one where I have to do an anaylsis about myself), but I don’t think that’ll work. But, I did mention in my other paper. That’s great that your husband was so much nicer to you! It’s so awesome to hear .

June 27, 2005

.. that! That’s why my brother watches WWE – for the story lines.. lol.. The best part of the entry is that you finally got some nookie!! Whoo hoo!! Go you! You totally needed and deserve that, so yaaaaaaaaay for that, seriously! I am glad that everything is better now, and hope just things are looking sky high from here on out!! Have a good day. =) Neil

June 28, 2005

I’m glad to see you’re happier in this entry…and I am such a procrastinator, too…I’m horrible about it!

June 28, 2005

wow, i just have to say i absolutely love the flowers that decorate your diary. i must say, sunflowers are my favorite flower, quickly followed by daisies! your day sounded like fun!

August 11, 2005

Your right, the story lines, are kinda crappy. They are not what they used to be back in the day. Or maybe I am just out growing watching men in tights..LoL. Take care and till then~~~