Feelin’ Good, Feelin’ Stressed, and Feelin’ Antsy

Guess what?????????

We found a house!!!!  It’s in Anderson, which doesn’t mean a thing to you all, but it’s about a half hour away from Indy.  2 bedroom, 1 bath, dining room, washer/dryer included, big fenced in back yard, garage, big front porch, basement.  I’m freakin’ excited.  Only $500 a month.. I know….I thought how good could it possibly be for that amount, but we went and looked at it and it was great.  The person renting it is an older lady and she was just tired of messing with it.  I asked her about deposit and the pet deposit and she said she didn’t want to mess with that she’d just take $500 a month and that was that.  We move August 18th.  Did I mention my sister lives in Anderson? We went up there this past weekend and stayed a couple of days and it was like we hadn’t missed a beat in our relationship.  It was kind of weird.  She actually wanted me to move up there too….I’ve missed my sis. 

Chris really doesn’t understand why I’ve missed her so much…mostly I think because he’s an only child.  Don’t get me wrong but some only children are weird.  Very solitary in their ways. 

Downside I had to break the news to my mother about moving.  The upside, she didn’t take it that bad yet, mostly because I’ve only told her that we were thinking about moving…..I’m such a wuss….I really don’t want to disappoint her though.  She’s helped me so much so I don’t want her think that I’m just moving away from her like my sister did and never talk to her again.  I’m going to have to eventually get the courage to tell her we already said we’d move….

Bad news on the car front……it’s a blown head gasket….suck ass….they want $800-$1100 to fix it….who has the kind of money???  **bends over….slide the card in that slot, it might work**….I don’t know how we’re going to get the money for that….my stepdad is going to ask someone at his work how much he’d charge to fix it and how long it would take…I hope not too much and I hope it can be done before we move otherwise I’m not sure how I’m going to get back and forth from work when I work the odd shifts like 11-7 and 2-10….*bleh* I hate cars….

Today I feel………

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July 27, 2005

Ugh, cars are so necessary, but such a huge pain when not working properly…. Wow, sounds like you got a steal on the apartment! That’s awesome!!! 🙂 And yay for being near the sis! RYN: Yeah, I know all the stuff you said….It’s just hard to let everything go with the flow, especially with me having no friends here…It’s easy to try to find a guy, just to have some company…?

July 28, 2005

woa..the picture of the cat is just…woa. lol. thanks for your note. congrats on finding a place to live its very exciting. especially since you get along so well with your sister…cant say that i do with mine.

July 29, 2005

congrats on the apartment! that’s fantastic

August 11, 2005

A little late I know….Congrats on the House deal. I have not read furher along, so I hope you did get it..If not xpect another note. For what its worth, I felt like a total jackass, when you said you replaced the thermostate, and it still overheated…I was like damn it. And now to find that it was a head gasket..mmmm