days pass & loss of beauty

I’ve made it a mission to write in my diary everyday. So here goes day 3 🙂

It was a good day, lots of drama at work as always, but what can you expect when yok ou work at a beauty college with a bunch of women! Debbie put her 2 weeks notice in today, and that makes me sad because she really is a great teacher. She just can’t handle the stress of the day to day. Apparently she went to the doctor yesterday and he said that something had to go because her BP was too high. So I can understand her decision. I’m going to miss her though!

Chris didn’t get home until 2 a.m. last night from his side job and although $50.00 for 5 hours doesn’t really seem like much but at least it put gas in the truck. I’m always happy when he can make some money because it makes him feel better about himself. I told him to wake me up when he got home and apparently he tried, but I kept throwing his arm away. He said that I was crying in my sleep. Weird. I have had dreams before and I wake up crying, not just a little but sobbing. It’s so odd to me what the hell am I crying about? Oh well.

So now Chris and I are going to relax and watch some TV. ~megs

SN: RIP Elizabeth Taylor, your talent and beauty will live on forever.

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March 23, 2011

RYN Insecure is probably the perfect word to describe my friend. Sorry to hear about your friend putting in her two weeks.

April 19, 2011

Dang girl you have some crazy dreams lol