Crap O’ the Day


Ok, maybe they’re not all that bad.  My mother-in-law called last night and said maybe it would be better if we came over for New Years instead of Christmas.  Mostly because that’s when Chris’s little girl is going to be over there.  This is fine, it’s just short notice and we won’t have that much time to spend over there.  I don’t get that much time off of work for the New Years holiday and I can’t request it off now.  Christmas would have been a much better time. 

Oh well…*sigh*  She said it would still be fine if we came over for christmas instead, just we wouldn’t be able to see his daughter.  It’s kind of a sticky situation there….see his daughter lives in Illinois……and he doesn’t get to see her as much as he’d like to.  Which is REALLY difficult on him……which in turn is difficult on me(if any of you are in a relationship you’ll know how that works!).  It’s also not easy to get her family there to share the time evenly.  His mother is also in Illinois so she gets to see her more often, which is great.  So now if I say well lets just go for christmas instead of new years I look like a bitch because he  doesn’t get to see his daughter around christmas time.  I don’t know, it doesn’t make that big of a difference to me to go on new years I just have to work on new years eve and don’t get off until 5:00.  We’ll get over to his mother’s around 10:00 and then have to get up early and leave right after we visit with the family.  Just a little hectic that’s all.  Oh well, it’ll be well worth it.

Adjusting to being a stepmom…..well since she lives in a different state nothing has really changed so far.  We don’t get to see her that often, and we try to call her as much as we can afford to.  It’s only been about a month so I hope I’m doing alright so far. 🙂  She seems to really like me, she tells me I’m cool and for an 8 year old that is good.  Lets face it, if a kid thinks you suck you might as well forget it.  lol

Anyway….I have a cold right now that I’m getting over so I sound like a dog with a fucked up bark when I cough…’s very disturbing……and I’m just sure my husband loves it when he’s sleeping 🙂

****sidenote****Went to the company christmas party yesterday, hell of a good time, and we got a bonus too!!! That’ll make christmas easier.****end side note****

hmmm……..I fell like a very selfish person……………..I’m trying to convince myself that’d it’d be ok for me to tell Chris no to going over to his mom’s for christmas eve……even after I wrote all that up above…..I’m still sitting here stewing and brewing on how I can get things to work out for me……*sigh*…….yep I suck……big donkey ass……

I’m out~megs

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December 17, 2004

Hey girl, Some tough decisions are needing to be made. Know that what ever you decide is right. You will be fine & christmas & new years will be great. When it all happens you will wonder why you were stressing out so much. Any way I will have another diary back up. I will prolly start it in the new year sometime. Take care! MERRY XMAS!!!!!