Compulsive lying…Bonus….and POE

Ok, well this weekend wasn’t too bad I suppose….

The only complaint I have is that my husband is a complusive liar…he lies about everything…it’s getting to be pretty annoying actually so I let him know about it…we’ve had this conversation ALL the time…I can’t stand liars…mostly because my father was a big one and I refuse to be married to someone like that…I put it out there just like that this weekend…see he had told me that he was going over to a friends house on saturday which I have no problem with…go out and have fun it’s cool…but he first said he was going over there to work on some homework that he didn’t understand, then he said that they would probably do that and then just hang out at his house for awhile…I’m thinking ok that’s cool…but I caught him on the phone friday night…

Ok so I snuck into the room and he didn’t notice me…I’m sneaky like that I’ll admit it…I just felt like he was hiding something from me and I was right…He was talking to his friend about what bars they were going to on saturday…so after that I just walked into the room and let my presence be known…he quickly got quite on the phone…so I knew I wasn’t just crazy….after he hung up the phone I confronted him about lying to me…and he continued with the lie and I told him to just stop and tell the truth because I couln’t take it anymore…he said he didn’t know why he lied…and that he was sorry and I told him that sorry just isn’t good enough anymore…it isn’t fair to me to be lied to all the time especially when I’m not one of those overbearing pissed off wives who cares if he goes to bars…only thing I want is him to be safe when he does…don’t come home of you’ve been drinking just stay over there and sleep it off…is that too much to ask?  Does that sound so awful?…I think not…so I layed down the so called "law"…told him that if he can’t tell the truth about shit that what the fuck are we doing? 

After that I told him he needed to call his friend and tell him about the lying…and he did…most of all I did that so he could maybe come to terms with how rediculous it is to lie about shit…his friend(who I do not like at all, but I can’t come between their friendship because that’s just not right) asked to talk to me…and apologized to me and said he didn’t know why my husband was lying but maybe it’s because he was afraid I’d worry about him if he went out…I’ll admit I am a worrier…but come on already…and he went on about how my husband is a grown man and he’s not going to get into trouble…to which I said that he should act like one and be honest with people…he agreed and I handed the phone back to my husband…went into the bathroom locked myself in got in the shower and cried for about 20 mins….this shit is fucking ridiculous….

My husband apologized again and again…we talked it out and I told him that if he can’t stop lying and he doesn’t know why perhaps he should get some help…he agreed…so that’s that…bleh

Life is more difficult than I expected…oh well…enough of that crap…:-)

Other than that stuff life is good I suppose…the job is ok and I make good money which I have that to be thankful for…I’m getting my x-mas tree this weekend and the christmas party for work is sunday so that should be fun…mostly because we get our bonus!!!!! whooooooo….now I can buy presents for people….

****RANDOM THOUGHT****….Poe kicks ass…I just love her I’m listening to her CD Huanted right now and it’s just awesome…****END RANDOM THOUGHT****

alright tonight I feel…..Wild…….

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December 5, 2005

Me 2 I hate when peeps lie 2 me!!! I rather here da truth and be hurt then u lie 2 me and I find out later and still get hurt!!! I really hate peeps who lie 4 stupid reasons!!! Anyway keep yo head up..By da way i saw u left a note so I returned da love..O n i saved u as mah friend also!! lol

December 5, 2005

I LOVE Poe. I have all of her cds. :: obsessed :: lol. Now I’m gonna have to listen to her “Trigger Happy Jack” 😀 Sorry your husband is being lame. I’ll never understand why people think they have to lie.

December 5, 2005

Poe rocks my world. I’ll read the rest of the entry when I get home later! *hugs*

December 5, 2005

LOL You had the ask that didn’t you. I got high the other night can’t remember which night but it was really recent, maybe Sunday, I walk downstairs and my bf was playing a game with the cat on the couch. I asked him if he wanted the light out and I couldn’t stop laughing at the damn cat. Each time I’d approach the couch I’d just die laughing.

December 5, 2005

Thanks for your note.. that commercial is actually a radio commercial (I listen to rock stations)… My husband, years and years ago, used to be a chronic liar. I thought I would go nuts. I almost left him. He actually stopped finally but I wondered if we would have to part ways. It is a terrible thing and erodes a relationship terribly. You will have to stick to your guns on this!

Hi thanks for the note id like to run but my grandparents are there.I understand about the lieing my ex would lie about everything and i didnt know what was true from fiction so hence we broke up.i hope your husband gets his shit together take care

December 5, 2005

Oh, I totally understand! I have trust issues to begin with so when Im lied to, no matter how small the lie. it makes me wonder what else they are hiding. If they have to lie about something so little..imagine the big shit. NO..dont, it’ll only drive you crazy! I think you sound like an awsome wife, I hope he realizes how lucky he is before he fu*ks it up! YAY for bonuses!!!

December 5, 2005

Funny my husband’s name is Chris and I live in Indiana as well. Thanks for the well wishes

December 5, 2005

oh my goodness, you got a lot of notes! haha. …i cant stand liars. my ex is one. you’re doignt he right thing by confronting him. its never ok to lie. and i dont understand why they think they have to…they do it when its not a big deal. i’m like…where’s the harm in telling me that truth? i hope he wises up. yay for christmas and money and trees! haha.

If he doesn’t know why he’s lying he should get help and not just talk about getting help. I know how that goes, you always say, oh we’ll go to a counselor, marriage or otherwise and it ends up getting put at the bottom of the list. granted I am not the world’s authority, my husband and I are split up. Continued

continued; but I’ve read a couple of your entries, and it sounds real familiar to me. Just try to keep in mind, if you aren’t ready to lose your husband don’t act like you are, to yourself or other people. If you are constantly telling yourself what a screw up your husband is that’s all you are going to believe. Dixie’s_Fire not signed in,

signed into my other diary sorry. Dixie’s_Fire

December 6, 2005

He lies because he has something to hide. Be careful, chica. Sometimes you need to believe, and sometimes you need to just simply be really careful. And I’ve never heard of Poe, other than the one everyone knows of. I might have to check into it. Thanks for reading my diary. I appreciate it.

December 6, 2005

I love Poe. Got turned onto her by a junkie, actually, so everytime I listen to her I am reminded of Mark and his junkie friends. Ah, maybe THATS the way to go.

December 6, 2005

You’re in Indiana? I’m in Muncie. Sad, innit it?

December 6, 2005

RYN: Yeah but you have WHITE CASTLE. Right there is almost grounds for moving to anderson.

December 6, 2005

You haven’t been there yet!?!? GO.RIGHT.NOW.

December 6, 2005

I know how you feel. When you catch these little fu*kers lying about something really trivial, you start to wonder what other things they’ve lied about and begin to question everything they’ve told you in the past.

December 6, 2005

ryn thanks!

December 7, 2005

I hope that he’s able to improve and things get better. It’s hard to imagine how difficult lying could make things.

December 7, 2005

my home is near evansville, and I go to college in hanover, which is right by a town called madison. I’m a pretty southern hoosier – staying close to the ohio river