Being extra nice and didn’t even get a bang…

Alright, things aren’t going too badly today…had a pretty good day at work with the boss and co worker…nothing really to report there…

Yesterday was ok I suppose…I had a thought that maybe I should try to be nicer to my husband see how that worked out…lol…so I got up and cleaned…yes me…I cleaned, it was painful, but I did it… :-)…Dishes, mopping, laundry, sweeping, even cleaned the toilets…after that it was just about time for him to be getting home so I decided to make a fresh pot of coffee for him and to make his favorite chili for dinner…so he got home and I poured a cup of coffee for him…started making the chili…he said he wanted to take a bath before the chili was done so I even ran a nice hot bath for him…being a good wife and all…so I’m running around making chili, doing laundry all that crap…he’s laying on the bed relaxing, watching some television…it’s all good….

So I even bring him his dinner just like he likes it with crackers and cheese…all that good stuff…refilled his coffee….after dinner I got in the shower and then laid down to relax with him on the bed…we watched what he wanted to, which consisted of a dvd of south park…amusing, but not very romantic…oh well…so I thought I’d get some stuff started…little kissing…rubbing…asked if he wanted me to give him blowjob (like a guy is going to say no to that) so I did and he said he’d get me before we went to bed…I said alright…so time passed and I got on the computer for awhile and he fell asleep, it wasn’t that late so I didn’t really think anything of it…he slept for 2 1/2 hours…that’s a pretty good nap right?  So after he woke up I thought alright…MY TURN…..hmmm…I was mistaken…I crawled under the covers and got ready for my turn…and nothin’…not even a single fucking kiss…WTF???

I was to say the least just a little bit pissed off…I give and I get nothin’…oh nononononononono…..see that’s why I NEVER give first because I never get in return…I’ve told him that before…and says well if I get mine before you get yours then I’ll catch you next time around…what an ass…I know he says it jokingly but still…so I just went to sleep….fuck it…

Get up the next morning and got ready for work…did the usual stuff….then I was feeding the dog and turning on the TV for him like I do every morning and I noticed that the TV volume was down all the way which only happens when he plays video games…which he didn’t do when I was awake last night….hmm…so I was like, "Did you get up and play games last night?"…he was like yeah…I’m thinking WTF….you were too tired to fuck, but staying up to play a video game you’re up to?….I was pissed…I know I’m probably just being girly about it, but still…it kind of hurt my feelings…it’s kind of selfish I think…I wanted to get mine too…asshole…I love him, but last night he was an ass…

So now he’s in the living room playing games and I’m in here writing…smoking a cig and watching roseanne…that is sad…lol…Nick at Nite is addictive…I swear it is…good times good times….

Today I feel…..horny….

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December 7, 2005

Totally start masturbating in front of him. If he turns it down at THAT point then it means he’s gay. I swear.

What guy would turn down sex for a vidio game damm.thats just wrong take his games away from him like you would a kid and tell him to play with you.have a nice night:)

December 7, 2005

lol, thanks for the note, nice to have a new reader!

December 8, 2005

hey megan! thanks for the note! do take care. rock on! =)

that’s bullsh*t man but I feel ya it happens sometimes. Sometimes I just don’t think men how damaging the small things they don’t do can be… Dixie’s_Fire

December 8, 2005

hey — where at in IN I am from there as well and thanks for the note })i({

December 8, 2005

OMG I totally agree with the first person who left a note. I would have totally started masturbating in front of him. There was once I wanted sex and my hubby said he didn’t feel like it so I said “Well, can you leave the bedroom then, so I can just do it myself?” It was hilarious! Thanks for the note, btw.

ryn,I thought about that to it makes me think about wearing a nut cup.a steel one at that Thanks for the note

December 9, 2005

ryn; thank ye…

December 9, 2005

Oh wow.. you have just described my marriage… (shrugs) oh well.. Maybe things only get better from here honey.. Have a good day.. Off to driving in a couple feet of snow I go.. 🙂

December 9, 2005

I watched Roseanne all the time as a kid, but now that show just depresses me.

that sucks! but i know how you feel…its been one sided around my house for awhile! i say strike!

December 9, 2005

Thanks for the note. Have a great weekend!

Hi there well he gave me some drugs to help my mood and sleep now i feel like im stoned so i dont know if thats good or bad but i hope it works. Thankyou for asking it means alot Take care:)HUGS

December 15, 2005

Damn it~~ LoL I can’t comment on the subject of the night, cause well I am a guy, so I will just drop it there..Lol. In other news, yeah I know its been a while, but in my defense, I got a new Xbox game, and well….that takes up my time..LoL. But I am almost done with it, so we all good.. Take care and till then~~