Bein’ bitchy, lack of nookie, and nothin’ really

Well today wasn’t too bad, kind of boring but other than that.  I’ve been in a crappy mood today.  Just kind of bitchy.  Which makes it really nice for my husband.  I’m sure he’s enjoying it throughly :-).  He came to pick me up from work and it was on from the start.  I don’t know why but I just started bitching about anything that I could.  I was weird, I knew I was doing it and I just couldn’t stop myself.  He took it like a true champ though, just nodded his head and tried not to talk if he didn’t have to.  I later apologized for my behavior and made him a nice make up dinner.  I never thought I’d be one of those women who bitched over nothing and for no apparent reason at all…….turns out….I guess all women can be like that…I think it’s the lack of sex…it’s been about 2 weeks and I’m going stir crazy… 

***Side note***The golden girls are freakin’ hilarious…***End side note***

I really don’t have alot to write about tonight.  I just felt like writing…I feel sort of bleh.  I tend to over think situations in life.  Bills, work, family situations…it’s chaos in my mind at times…It’s a bit draining after awhile.  Do any of you get what I mean?  Just the bleh feeling…and no it’s not PMS…lol

We’ve started looking for a new apartment which is always a joy…we’ve just outgrown where we are at the moment.  I’d really like to get a house and not pay rent for an apartment, but our credit is crap.  Rent sucks, you get nothing for all that money you pay.  Oh well, such is life.

I’m done…so I’m out~megs

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June 24, 2005

It is constant chaos in my head, too…I am such a worrier…even though my life is boring as hell, I am still in a constant state of high anxiety lol…

June 26, 2005

RYN: Hey thanks for reading and trying to understand my random ramblings. I am used to people just skimming over them, but I guess you were either bored or just found what I wrote intresting. Anywhom, thanks for the time. By the way, How bout them Spurs~~~ LoL Take care and till then~~

June 26, 2005

Dude, I freakin’ love the Golden Girls. Sophia rocks my world.