
Ok, so I’ll admit my last entry left a little to be desired…..lol

Isn’t it funny how much life sucks sometimes……..ok it’s not but if I didn’t laugh at it then I would cry and who needs that crap…

Anway, so here it is….

We’re fucked……totally fucked…….can’t pay rent….can’t pay the lawyer….can’t pay the car payment…….can’t pay the cable or any of the other utilities…….are you aware of a trend here????…..suck ass……so here is what happend….see I didn’t get to work last week because I was sick…and I mean sick, not just I have a sniffle right.  I got sick on Wednesday and had to go to the hospital because I couldn’t stop puking, it was freaking scary, I couldn’t stop and the room wouldn’t stop spinning. I couldn’t even walk without looking like I’d been on an all day drunk.  Anyway, so I got a nice trip to the hospital where they gave a magical shot….ohh….I loved that shot….lol…..all the sudden I was puking and then I was asleep…it was great, however they didn’t do anything else…I slept for about 2 hours and then they sent me on my way saying I just had a stomach virus…I was like ok.  Got home and slept from 5:30 pm to 10:30 am straight…it was awesome.  However the spinning hadn’t stopped by the next morning so off my ass went to the doctor.  Turns out I had an inner ear infection and it was fucking with my balance.  Hmmm…and the hospital didn’t check for that???  Great just what I needed two more bills I can’t pay…and I couldn’t go to work because I couldn’t even walk without bouncing off the walls….so that sucked, but I didn’t get paid either so, my check was shit….big shit…

So this is why my financial situation is stressing me out, not to mention that Chris and I fight about money all the fucking time and it’s just getting to the point where I’m like fuck it I don’t care anymore…and that’s not good.  His checks have been shit since his child support has been taken out $500 a month which is including the insurance for her.  I’m not bitching about him paying it because that is what he has to do and is supposed to do.  But, the loan we took out to buy that peice of crap car we still have to pay on and that’s another $200 a month.  So in short he’s been bringing home about $250 a check……..NOT ENOUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!  ahh…….fuck it……..

I don’t know anymore…………………………

We have so much crap that we wouldn’t have if he had just used his brain you know….like the lawyer…..the car repair from the wreck…….I don’t have a car now but I still get to make a payment on it…….he gets all mad if I try to bring up getting the car fixed, so I can’t talk to him about anything……I don’t want to piss him off because then he starts throwing a fit and things…and it’s just not worth it you know……

For instance, this past Tuesday night……it was about 11:00 and we were in bed and I had the TV on because it helps me sleep…I haven’t been sleeping that well and I was getting over being sick….so I asked him not to yell about it and just wait 10 minutes after I fell asleep and take my glasses off and turn the TV off…..oh no….that just couldn’t happen could it???  No as soon as I fell asleep he was like…….HEY TAKE YOUR DAMN GLASSES OFF and TURN THE FUCKING TV OFF…….I’M NOT LISTENING TO YOU FUCKING SNORE ALL NIGHT AND THE TV…..I was like ok…….so I took my glasses off and turned off the TV, rolled over and tryed to fall back asleep…..no that wasn’t good enough I guess I pissed him off so he had to get out of bed turn the TV back on but the volume up to like 56 and throw the remote into the dining room against the wall and shatter it…………….ok………….WTF??????……..I don’t know I just don’t know…………

So, for now I’m a whiny bitch as he’d put it………that’s life right?

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July 22, 2006

I’m sorry you have to go through all that. I’m having a pretty big financial crisis right now myself with a ton of bills I have no idea how I am going to pay. I hope everything works out for you! Take care,

July 23, 2006

Sucks how financial stress can cause stress in EVERY part of your life. Is it possible for one (or both) of you to get a second, part time job to help make ends meet for the time being? Hang in there….*hugs*

July 23, 2006

my thoughts are with you.

August 11, 2006

thats terrible. my thoughts are with you.